Port mirroring configuration method
1. Cisco switch
Ciscocatylist2550 and Ciscocatylist3550 support two groups of monitorsession.
Port mirroring configuration method of Cisco switch
En password
Configuration terminology
Switch (config) # monitorsession1destinationinterfacefast 0/4 (1is the sessionid, and the id range is 1-2).
Switch (config) # monitorsession1sourceinterface fast0/1,fast0/2, fast0/3 (space, comma, space) Switch(config)#exit.
Switch #copyrunning-confstartup-conf
Switch # showport-monitor2. Limit switch
Only many-to-one or one-to-one mirror ports can be created.
You can monitor VLAN traffic.
Extremely reflects the flow in and out. This means that when mirroring a VLAN, you will see a message at least twice-from one port of the VLAN to another port of the VLAN.
4. port mirroring configuration method of Extreme switch with version1or above.
{Enable Disable} Mirror Port
Turn the port mirroring function on/off, and specify the port where the mirror traffic flows out. Port-no can only be one port.
Configure Mirror {Add }{vlan Port
Specifies the VLAN or port of the mirror traffic {vlan port
Parts can be repeated many times.
4. port mirroring configuration method for Extreme switches with versions below1.
Enablemirrortoportport- no
Turn on the port mirroring function and specify the port where the mirror traffic flows out. Port-no can only be one port.
Disabled mirror
Turn off the port mirroring function.
Mirror port traffic-No, if the port contains multiple VLAN, the traffic will be mirrored to the destination port.
virtual local area network
VLAN traffic port number specified in mirror port.
The traffic of all ports in the specified VLAN in the mirror port.
Cancel the port mirroring of the port number
Unassign port mirroring for VLAN.
Performance mirror
Show the situation in port mirroring.
3. Casting switch
You can create many-to-many port mirroring.
Port mirroring configuration method of casting switch
In configuration mode:
Port monitor {{rx tx both}}
Determine which port the mirror traffic flows from and modify the port configuration.
Specify which traffic of which ports to mirror (rx refers to received traffic, tx refers to sent traffic, and both refers to bidirectional traffic), and the {{rx tx both}} part can be repeated.
4.Juniper switch
Each switch can only have one listening port.
Only IPv4 traffic can be mirrored.
Only transitonly traffic can be mirrored, not received traffic.
JuniperM series and T series port mirroring configuration method
usen @ router # show forwarding-options port-mirroring { input { family net; Rate; Run length; } output interface {next-hopuser @ router # showfirewallfiltererror-sample from {...} and then {sample accepts; }
Define the sampling filter and select the traffic of interest.
user @ router # showinterfaceunit 0 familyinetfilter { input mirror-sample; }
5. Huawei switch
Port mirroring configuration method of Huawei 3050 switch
Switch a related configuration
1. Configure port E0/2 as a monitoring port.
[Switch a] Monitor-Port Ethernet 0/2
2. Configure port E0/ 1 as a mirror port.
[switch a] Mirror-port Ethernet 0/ 1 both
Overview of port mirroring
Before introducing port mirroring configuration, let's take a look at what port mirroring is. Port mirroring is a method of mirroring the data of one or more ports (VLAN) of a switch to one or more ports. So, why do you need port mirroring? In order to deploy IDS products, it is usually necessary to monitor network traffic (network analyzer also needs it), but it is quite difficult to monitor all traffic in the widely used switching network at present, so it is necessary to configure the switch to forward the data of one or more ports (VLAN) to a certain port to monitor the network.
Several aliases of port mirroring.
1. port mirroring: It usually means that the traffic of one port is allowed to be copied to another port, and this port can no longer transmit data.
2. Monitoring port: Monitoring port
3.SpanningPort: Generally, it means that the traffic of all ports is allowed to be copied to another port, and this port can no longer transmit data.
4.SPANport: In Cisco products, SPAN usually refers to SwitchPortANalyzer. The SPAN port of some switches does not support data transmission.
5. Link mode port
Switches that support port mirroring
Most switches above the midrange support the port mirroring function, but the degree of support is different.
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