Insurable risk is pure risk, the occurrence of risk must be accidental, and the occurrence of risk is unexpected. The so-called accident is caused by people's intentional behavior. Intentional behavior is easy to cause moral hazard, which is prohibited by law and contradicts social morality. Therefore, the risks and inevitable risks caused by intentional behavior cannot be transferred through insurance. Such as gambling, natural wear and tear, machine wear and tear, are all uninsurable risks, gambling is prohibited by law, natural wear and tear and depreciation are inevitable, so it is impossible to insure the insurer. Non-accidental risk is not guaranteed risk.
Many people who buy insurance for stars are either businessmen or crews. These are all discussed by the broker in advance. There is no need to pay more protection fees for stars. Of course, the higher the coverage, the better. But even if stars pay for insurance themselves, they care more about accidents than money.