The successive defeats of the German army since August 19 18 made Fu Xu believe that 19 18 would win, not one year later as he expected. The Allies fought for the disintegration of hindenburg line, and hindenburg line extended from the northeast coast of ypres to the Swiss border. (The battle itself did not extend to the east of Verdun. ) The offensive scheduled for September 26th is intended to seize or cut off the railway lines on which the Germans depend for mobilizing troops and materials. Without its transportation system, the already weak army will be further weakened. The railway that transports German troops and materials to the front line extends from Metz to the northwest to the main intersections such as Meziere, Hornois, Mobike, Mons, Ghent and Bruges, where there are many feeder lines leading to different defense zones. Fuchu's plan is to capture 50 miles including the junction of Mezier and Hornois, cut off the German retreat, and expose them to repeated attacks. This maneuver was intended to carry out a pincer attack-French and British troops advanced from the west to Hornois, and joined French and American troops who attacked Maiziere on a large scale from Mace-Argonne in the south. The Allied victory in Mezyagon will enable them to occupy the railway system and block all ground traffic between the separated enemy forces. This blow will make the Germans have to take a circuitous and time-consuming route to restore their fragmented ties through Liè ge and the Rhine Valley. Ludendorff realized that under the onslaught of rapid progress, his troops could not expect to retreat orderly through the crowded Liege Pass. Therefore, the Germans continued to further strengthen the already heavily guarded Mezyagon area. Every forest and every village has become a large obstacle, and several lines of defense have been established behind the frontier positions. In the defense zone assigned to Pershing's attack, the railway line is closer to the front line. Facing this defense zone, a trench defense system with a depth of ten miles was built. The advantage of the Germans is that the terrain of Mezyagon is naturally suitable for defense. To the east of the Meuse River is the steep Cote de Meuse Highland, which is an excellent artillery firing position and an almost impregnable obstacle for attackers. Cliffs and hills with deep cracks in argon are connected into a fortified area by miles of barbed wire, concrete machine gun bunkers, heavy machine guns and various obstacles woven back and forth between defense lines. Halfway between Meuse and Argonne, there is a heavily guarded Mount Montfukang, with a panoramic view of the surrounding scenery. The 20-mile front has been fortified, and the only feasible assault method is to storm the prominent parts of the defense lines on both sides of Monfkon, expand the prominent parts with flank attacks, and then threaten the defenders to retreat. Different from the previous French and British offensives, the preparations before the attack took several months, and the nine divisions of the US army advanced to the front in just one week. Only three divisions have had offensive experience, and four divisions with artillery support have never fought or trained with support forces. There are three divisions nearby as reserves. During the short-distance transfer of troops from St. Mill, there were unexpected difficulties in transportation. On the day of the attack, only one battle-tested division was allowed to reach the front line. However, the number of American troops far exceeds that of the Germans, which is eight times that of the Germans. In the attack on the German army, Meuse-Argonne was only one of the defense zones, while Belgian and British troops attacked in Flanders and British troops attacked in Cambre-Saint-Conten and other places. The French army advanced on Shambani in the city center. The allied forces had 220 divisions-102 French, 60 British, 42 American, 12 Belgian, 2 Italian and 2 Portuguese. Except for the us military, others are not satisfied. Fuxi is a warm-hearted person when deciding the action plan. His battle slogan is "Everyone must fight". He sent 160 divisions to the front and 60 divisions to be the reserve. Against the Allies, the Germans can only assemble 197 divisions-113 divisions at the front, and 84 divisions as reserve forces. Apart from a serious shortage of troops, this army is quite different from the powerful strength it had in previous years. Rumors of hunger from the domestic front have intensified the growing war-weariness of the troops themselves. At night, nearly 600,000 American troops entered the Meuse-Argonne war zone, while the French army guarded the outpost until the fighting broke out, successfully preventing the Germans from approaching reconnaissance. There are 2700 French-made cannons (half of which are controlled by French gunners), 82 1 aircraft and 189 French small tanks supporting the US military. At 5: 30 am on September 26th, after three hours of shelling, the attack was launched. General Henry Guro's French Fourth Army went first, followed by Pershing's First Army. The action was hindered by early morning fog, thousands of craters, barbed wire, slippery gullies and dense forests. Before dusk, the first line of defense had been captured by the US military, and the US military also attacked the protruding parts on both sides of Mengfu Hole far from the main position on a large scale, and was occupied by the 79th Division of the Fifth Army before noon the next day. In addition to the Argonne forest, the American army also occupied the second position of the German army that day. At the same time, ludendorff quickly transferred seven divisions from other departments in the western front. By 10, 1, tenacious resistance prevented a large-scale attack, but experienced soldiers replaced the recruits and resumed the attack at 10. In the next four weeks, the American army fought tenaciously and seized the third line of defense at the expense of increasing casualties. For many Americans who hunt in China, it is not a new experience to fight an unidentified enemy in dense and intricate bushes. They brought knowledge about weapons. In close combat, nothing is more deadly than the12mm saw shotgun. German claims that the use of such weapons violates the Geneva Conventions were ignored. The increasing troubles in the army have caused many problems. Pershing divided the troops into two and quickly solved these problems. The command of the first army was handed over to Lieutenant General Hunt Liegert, who was in charge of the front line of Meuse-Argonne; The Second Army was handed over to Lieutenant General Robert Bullard to defend the front east of Meuse. 101October 3 1 day, the Argonne forest fell into the hands of the US military, and they had advanced ten miles from the offensive position. On the same day, Gulo's troops arrived at the Aina River, twenty miles from the starting point. American pressure forced ludendorff to use his 27 best reserve divisions to strengthen its crumbling Meuse-Argonne front. The U.S. military attracted many troops to deal with the U.S. military, thus greatly reducing the burden of allies in other defense zones. → If you want to add a new entry, please create one.