Xie Taifu died as a gift to Taifu, so he called it. Tang Li Bai's poem "The Book Love is a Friend of Cai She" says: "Taste the teacher and praise him, and take the prostitute to the East Gate." Tang Du Fu's Ten Rhymes of the Tuojiang River in Minshan: "If you don't thank your teacher, the hills and valleys will be unforgettable." It is also called "Fu Xie" in the province. Tang Juyuan Yang's "Reward Lu Yuanwai" poem says: "Fu Xie controls the upper reaches with flags, and Lu Lang borrows the front to raise funds." The slogan of He Jingming's "Going Home" in the Ming Dynasty: "Living in a secluded place means Pan Anfu, and I will thank you when I lie down!" .
Jiang Zuo thanked the teacher and was quite complacent when he was lying high. Is Dongshan beautiful? I will cherish it together. The sword accidentally missed, and Zi Yuan died; How much merit is there just in doubt? At that time, I ridiculed the grass, although the reality was reasonable. So, people in the mountains are still smiling.
About the author:
Lu You (1125-1210) was born in Yinshan, Yuezhou (now Shaoxing, Zhejiang). Shaoxing Zhongying didn't try and was rejected by Qin Gui. Xiaozong was born a scholar after he acceded to the throne. He served as a judge in Zhenjiang and Longxing, and his official position was Bao. Retire to another country in his later years. He was a great poet in the Southern Song Dynasty, and his ci was also very successful. The poems handed down from generation to generation are "Poems of Jian Nan" and "Poems of Releasing Weng". Xin Qiji (1 140- 1207) was a poet in the Southern Song Dynasty. The word euan, no. Jia Xuan was born in Licheng (now Jinan, Shandong). ?
At birth, Shandong was occupied by nomadic people. At the age of 21, he joined the anti-Jin army and soon returned to the Southern Song Dynasty. He has been to Hubei, Jiangxi, Hunan, Fujian and eastern Zhejiang. During his tenure, he took active measures to recruit exiles, train the army, reward farming, fight corruption, and attach importance to stability and people's livelihood.