Mine: linux needs to use the command of netstat-ano|grep port number to check whether the tomcat port is occupied.
Generally, the port used by tomcat is in the configuration file under the installation directory, which is located in Tomcat's installation directory /conf/server.xml file. The general code is as follows:
connector port = 8080 protocol = HTTP/ 1. 1 connection time out = 20000 redirect port = 8443/>
TCP8080 port is tomcat's stat-plantup|grep8080, so you can see whether Tomcat's port is open or occupied.
Then use fuser-v8080/tcp to find out which program or process is occupied by tomcat's port.
How does linux view the ports occupied by a thread?
Ps-aux|grepjava, or directly: ps-aux|greppid view.
How to check that port 443 is occupied under linux?
The port number of 1:netstat-ANP | grep is as follows. I take 3306 as an example, netstat-anp|grep3306 (if it is an ordinary user operation, add sudo, if it is a root user operation, you can view it without sudo). If there is no monitoring wire, it means it is not occupied. 2: netstat-Nultp (there is no need to add a port number here.
Linux cannot access other server ports?
You can turn off the Linux firewall first.
SystemctlstatusFirewall。 Service View Firewall Status
Systemctlstopfirewalld.service turn off the firewall.
Systemctldisiablefirewall.service prohibits the firewall from starting.
How does linuxvsftp change the default port and access?
1. Edit the /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf file and add this line to the configuration file: listen_port=8 1 1.
2. Edit the /etc/services file, change ftp2 1/tcp to FTP 81/TCP, and change FTP 2 1/UDP to FTP 81/TCP.
3. Execute /etc/init.d/vsftpdrestart to restart the vsftpd service. You can use netstat-tnulp|grepvsftpd after startup, and you can see that the port of vsftpd that the system is listening to now is 8 1 1.
4. Execute lftp192.168.5.1:801(192.168.5./yes, vsftpd.