First, the baggage contains money and banknotes. They go all the way west, and money is hard currency. For the four of them, they eat more and use more. Only when they have enough money can they walk the whole distance. In the fifteenth The Journey to the West, there is also such a record:
The fifteenth time wrote: Sanzang taught the Monkey to untie his baggage, took out some coins from the Tang Dynasty and gave them to Lao Yu. Chapter 56 reads: Sanzang Sect: Unpack the bag, take a few pence as a lining, and go there quickly to ask for two plasters to stick on him. It can be seen that money is the first thing they put into the package.
The second is clothes, robes, razors and other daily necessities. Tang Priest is mortal. It is impossible to wear only one dress for a long trip, and climate change and so on should be taken into account. Tang priest's cassock can only be worn when he sees the Buddha, so it can only be put in the baggage. As for the razor, it should be a necessary thing for a monk. After all, it is impossible not to shave after a long trip.
Time 22: Sanzang said: In that case, call Wukong, bring the Buddhist monk's knife and let him go. As the Great Sage said, abandon the knife and shave your head. The ninety-seventh time wrote: The monkey cried: Gentlemen, stop fighting. There is a robe in the two bags we are carrying, which is worth 1000 yuan. You untie it and take it. Third, pen and ink. As a literati, it is impossible for Tang Priest to go out without pen and ink. After all, there are many places to write, and there was no other way to record it at that time, only some records, such as when the Monkey King was driven away:
The twenty-seventh time wrote: The Tang Priest told Friar Sand to take out the pen and paper from the bag, that is, to fetch water from the stream, grind ink on the stone, write a piece of paper and give it to Monkey, saying, Monkey Head! In this light, I don't want you to be an apprentice anymore.