First, the linux system checks the port number occupied by DB2:
1.db2start starts the database manager, and the communication mode is configured as TCP/IP.
2. First switch to db2inst 1 user su-db2inst 1.
3. Find the TCP/IP service name DB2 get DBM CFG | grep-I service.
4. Find the corresponding port number grepdb2c _ db2inst1/etc/services file through the output of the previous command.
Output db2c_db2inst 1 50000/tcp.
# Where 50000 is the port number occupied by db2 database. system can check the port number occupied by DB2, as shown below:
1. Use the command db2 get dbm cfg.
Find "SVCENAME" and find the TCP/IP service name.
2. Find the port number corresponding to the service name in the system configuration file.
Windows: view c: \ windows \ system32 \ drivers \ etc \ services.
Aix: view /etc/ service
As follows:
DB2_DB2 60000/tcp
DB2_DB2_ 1 6000 1/tcp
DB2_DB2_2 60002/tcp
DB2_DB2_END 60003/tcp
db2c_DB2 50000/tcp