The hardware of genuine Gucci handbag is hard metal, which is very thick and not easy to break and peel off. Some hardware will have lettering, clear lettering and exquisite craftsmanship. Imitations are rough in workmanship and not finely polished.
Look at GUCCI brand fonts
Authentic fonts are cool and have GUCCI's consistent brand characteristics. Most GUCCI will have black labels, and genuine black labels will show a gradient of black and gray, not pure black or other colors.
Look at this cloth.
The leather part of the real Gucci bag is made of wild animal skin, which is stronger than other leather materials such as cowhide, calf skin or ostrich skin, while the synthetic leather used for counterfeit goods smells like plastic. Although it is not easy to distinguish under normal circumstances, if it is newly bought, the difference between true and false will be obvious.
Gucci's nylon cloth feels crisp and thick. The nylon cloth of the fake Gucci is relatively thin and has no texture to the touch.
Watch a work
Genuine Gucci is very fine in workmanship, with straight and neat stitching, while fake Gucci may be very rough in workmanship, with uneven and crooked car lines. Observe whether the thread ends are clean, whether the endothelial folds or cutting lines are flat, and careful comparison will make the fake goods have nowhere to hide.
Look at double Glogau.
Authentic Gucci's double GLOGO pattern is very neat, and the pattern of two capital letters G is clearly visible. The fake Gucci's double GLOGO pattern looks like C instead of the clear capital letter G; Moreover, the authentic double G is separated and will not be connected together.
The workmanship of the double GLOGO is perfect, and each needle is in the same direction. If you slowly rotate the Gucci bag under the light, you will see that the double G logo changes color with the refraction of light, while the fake double G logo will not change color.
Look at the tag number
There is a small label in the real Gucci bag. The label is marked "Made by Gucci" on the outside, and it is marked with modelnos and batchnos on the inside. The font on the fake lining label may be blurred, and there is no number on the back of the label.
Go to GUCCI store for identification
Many GUCCI stores have regulations that GUCCI products purchased without store invoices are not accepted, but the genuine GUCCI products in your hand can be maintained after chain sales in the store, so you can take the GUCCI products to the local store for maintenance or cleaning, and you will be told that your bag is not genuine when you get it.
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