Lorraine, France A man from Lorraine, France.
Louise Louise, a famous Teutonic soldier.
Lucy Lucy Latin brings light and wisdom.
Lydia Lydia British people come from Lydia, wealth.
Lynn Lin, a man who lives by the lake in England.
May Boulme Boolean Latin gentle person, kind person.
Madeleine Madeleine's greatness and nobility in Greece; Tabao
Maggie Ma Qi Latin Pearl
Maggie Maggie Latin pearl
Mamie, my dear, the bitterness of Hebrew resistance; The Little Mermaid
Mandy Mandy Latin is lovely.
Mathea Mathea Latin Sivir
Margaret Margaret Greek pearl
Hebrew Sorrow and Pain in Maria Maria
Marianne Marianne Hebrew, Latin wants children; graceful
Marina, Ma Lina Latin belongs to the sea.
Marjorie Marjorie French Pearl
Martha Martha Alam housewife
Martina Martina Latin God of War
Mary Mary, the bitterness of Hebrew resistance; The Little Mermaid
Modmad Germanic powerful; force
Maureen Maureen Gail Little Mary
Maevis Maevis Celtic sings like a thrush; happy
Maxine, Latin Queen of maxine.
Mag Meg Latin pearl
Mei Mei Latin girl, May.
Megan Megan is a great, strong and capable person in Greece.
Melissa Melissa Greek honey
Meroi Marcy's British sympathy; Compassion; pity
Happy Britain is full of joy and laughter.
Michelle Michelle Hebrew aster
Michael, Michelia, the Hebrew God.
Mignon honey neon lights French delicate and elegant.
Mildred Mildred, a kind adviser in Britain; Gentle and kind
Milla Baylor Milla Baylor Spanish is very beautiful.
Miranda, Miranda, Latin, admirable or respectable person.
Miriam Miriam is sad in Hebrew; A sea of suffering
Modest, modest, Latin, modest person
Moira moira's Greek destiny
Jasmine, Jasmine, the bitterness of Hebrew resistance; The Little Mermaid
Mona Lisa Greece is lonely; Noble; Unique, unique; wasteland
Monica Monica Latin consultant
Muriel Muriel's Hebrew sadness and pain; light
Myra Myra Latin is a great person, a very good person.
Myrna Myrna Sert is very polite.
Nancy Nancy is elegant and gentle in Hebrew; housemaid
Natalie Natalie was born on Christmas Day in France.
Nadia Vader was born in Spain at Christmas.
Nelly, Nelly, Ashley, Latin torch
Nicola Nicola Greece wins.
Nicole Nicole Greek winner
Nina Nina Latin is strong; granddaughter
Nora, the ninth child of Latin.
Norma Norma Latin is a serious person and can be a model.
Novia, a new member of Latin Novia.
Nydia, Nitia, Latin, a person from a secluded place
Octavia, the eighth child of Okta Willading.
Audrey Otilette The French voice is like music.
Odelia Otilia France is petite; Rich
Olga Olga Russia is sacred; peace
Olive olive Latin peacemaker; Chinese olive
Olivia Oliver, Latino pacifist; olive tree
Ophelia, Ophelia's Greek helper; Donors; snake
Pepe pearl
Page Becky, Greek child.
Pamela Pamela, an annoying naughty child in England and Greece.
Pandora Pandora, the first woman in the French world
Patricia, Patricia, Latin, noble birth.
Paula Saladin is a metaphor for a petite person.
Pearl, pearl, Latin is like pearl.
Penelope Panalop Greek weaver; The silent weaver
Penny Penny Greek silent weaver
Phoebe Phoebe, the shining thing in Greece, the outstanding person, the goddess of the moon.
Phoenix Phoenix, a young Greek woman.
Phyllis Phyllis Greek shoots, small petals and green shoots.
Polly Polly, the bitterness of Hebrew resistance; The Little Mermaid
Poppies are cuter than Latin flowers.
Prima Prima, Latin eldest daughter
Prudence Prudden Slade is a wise man; shrewd
Queena Quinner England is a very noble aristocrat.
Quintina Quintina Latin's fifth child
Rachel Rachel Rachel Hebrew ewe or lamb; Kindness and courtesy
Reyeri Hebrew ewe
Rebecca Rebecca Spanish trap, charming beauty, trap
Regina Regina, Queen of Latin; A pure person
Renata Renata Hebrew regeneration; Update, restore
Renee, Renee, reborn in France.
Rita Rita Italian pearl; Brave; honest
Riva Riva, a Frenchman on the river bank or by the river.
Roberta Roberta Teutonic's glorious reputation; bright
Roses in full bloom in rosalind, Latin rosalind.
Rose rose Latin rose, in full bloom; horse
Rosemary, Ruth, Mary, small drops of water in the Latin sea; alecost
Roxanne, roxanne, Persian outstanding figures, talented people.
Ruby ruby French ruby
Ruth Ruth Hebrew friendship; sympathize with
Sabine, Bi Na, Latin, a man of noble birth.
Sally, Princess Sally, Hebrew
Sabrina, Sabrina, Latin, people from the border
Salome Salome Hebrew is peaceful and quiet.
Samantha, Samantha, Aram, a person who listens attentively.
Sandra Sandra, the defender of Greek humanity.
Sandy, sandy, defenders of Greek mankind.
Sarah, Sarah, the Hebrew princess
Sarah, Sarah, the Hebrew princess
Sebastiane Sabathini is respected or revered in Greece.
Selena Selena Latin moon, moonlight
Sharon Sharon, the beautiful princess of Gail; plain
Sheila Sheila Irish girl; Young woman; blind
Shirley Shirley is from the grass in England.
Shirley Shirley England comes from the grass.
Sybil Sybil Greek prophetess
Sigrid, sigrid and Scandinavia's favorite person; perky
New Merlot Co., Ltd. New Merlot Co., Ltd. heard Hebrew.
Sophia sophia, Greek wise man
Spring Sperling British Spring
Stacy, Stacy, Greece will bounce back.
Setra Steller, Spanish Star
Stephanie Stephanie Greek Crown; Garland; A symbol of honor
Susan Susan is a memoirist of a Hebrew geisha.
Susanna Susanna Hebrew Lily
Susie Susie Hebrew Lily
Memoirs of Susan Susan's Hebrew geisha.
Sylvia Sylvia Latin forest girl
Tabitha Tabitha Greek doe
Tammy Thai honey Greek sun god
Teresa Portugal Harvest (Big Sister)
Tess, Tess, a bumper harvest in France
Sheila means wild girl in Greek.
Theresa, Theresa, a bumper harvest in Greece
Tiffany Tiffany French tulle; divine
Tina Tina, a petite Greek.
Toby Toby Hebrew pigeon, beautiful and polite.
France Tracy Market Trail
Trista Tristan, a girl who solves her sadness with a smile.
Truda Duda Teutonic beloved girl.
A person who owns ancestral property and will manage it.
Una Una Gail, English, Latin, unique.
Ursula Ursula's Latin brown hair, fearless person.