Competition of things: the survival competition of creatures; Natural selection: natural selection. Creatures compete with each other, and the fittest survive. At first, it refers to the natural law of survival of the fittest in nature, and later it is also used for the development of human society. A species must obey the law of adaptation in a new environment. Darwin's Theory of Evolution once suggested that organisms will not be eliminated only if they constantly evolve and adapt to their own living environment. Excerpts from Mei Tao's Biological Invaders and Yan Fu's Translation of Evolution. The theory of evolution is translated from the book Evolution and Ethics by British biologist Huxley. All kinds of creatures interact in the competition for survival and are naturally selected. Those who adapt to natural changes survive, while those who do not adapt perish. (original: it is not the strongest in the category that survives, but the one that can best cope with change. -Charles Darwin)
In nature, natural selection, survival of the fittest refers to a natural law in which species compete with each other and species struggle with nature, which can adapt to the choice of nature and survive. The environment, no matter where you are, needs the coordinated adaptation of the individual and the environment. This "adaptation" is not only your adaptation to the environment, especially people, but also the understanding, cooperation and mutual assistance of people around you. First of all, we must be "fit" before we can talk about better survival. Only the fittest can draw the strongest sound. Undoubtedly, this is also an important issue left to human society under the conditions of market economy. Generally speaking, it is to protect the future of mankind, give them a more complete earth and realize sustainable development. The existence of wild animals is a symbol and symbol of the integrity of the earth. In addition, wild animals are also an important resource. Oil will be used up and minerals will be used up, which is non-renewable. However, if the wildlife is properly protected, it can be continuously produced, and it is a renewable resource from which human beings can absorb protein, medicine and obtain genetic resources. Imagine a world without oil and metal, and human beings may not survive without wild animals.