In order to help you pass the H3C certification exam easily, I have provided you with questions for the H3C certification exam, hoping to help you!
1. In the field of IP message headers, the following () is directly related to IP message fragmentation.
(a) the source IP address
(b) Destination IP address
(c) identification field.
(d) Flag fields (MF, DF fields)
(e) slice offset
Answer: CDE
2, which of the following statements is correct ()
(a) If multiple dynamic routing protocols find the best route to the same destination network, these routes will be added to the routing table.
(b) The calculation of routing priority and routing weight are consistent.
(c) The calculation of routing weight can be based on a single characteristic of the path or multiple attributes of the path.
(d) Dynamic routing protocols judge the quality of routing according to the routing weight, and each routing protocol has different judgment methods.
Answer: CD
3. In the same area (Area A), the following statement is true ()
(a) Each router generates the same LSA.
(b) The LSDB of Area A of each router is the same.
(c) The shortest path tree calculated by each router according to LSDB is the same.
(d) The routes calculated by each router according to the shortest path tree are the same.
Answer: BD
4. When running OSPF dynamic routing protocol, under what circumstances do you not need to elect DR and BDR ()?
(c) point-to-point
(d) point-to-multipoint
Answer: CD
5. Which interfaces of the quidway R2501router can be configured with DCC ()?
(a) ethernet port
(B) S0 port
(c) port s 1
Auxiliary port
Answer: BCD
6, the following statement is wrong ().
(A) SLIP protocol is a protocol without negotiation process.
(B) SLIP supports synchronous and asynchronous modes.
(C) SLIP only supports IP protocol.
(d) None of the above statements are correct.
Answer: b
7. After the router processes the IP packet, the TTL field value becomes 0, and then ().
(a) The router sends an ICMP error message to the source address of the IP message and continues to forward the message.
(b) The router sends an ICMP error message to the source address of the IP message and stops forwarding the message.
(c) The router continues to forward the message without sending an error message.
(d) The router directly discards the IP message and neither forwards nor sends the error message.
(e) None of the above four statements is completely correct, depending on the specific situation.
Answer: b
8. In the negotiation message of PPP protocol, the function of () field is used to detect whether the link is self-looped.
(c) magic number
(e) circulation
Answer: c
9. X.25 defines the interface program of ().
(X25 between switches
(b) Between DTE and DCE
(c) Between two X.25 mainframes.
Answer: b
10. Under the DOS window of Windows95/98, you can use the following command to view the routing table of the host ().
(a) display the ip routing table.
arp -a
Track the route
(d) route printing
Answer: d
1 1, TCP protocol distinguishes different connections by ().
(1) IP address
(b) port number
(C) IP address+port number
(d) None of the above answers are correct.
Answer: c
12. In the following routing protocols, () supports classless inter-domain routing.
RIPv 1
Answer: AC
13. The IP address of a PC in the local area network is10.10.1,and the mask is 255.255.
224.0, the host may use the ARP protocol in the following () operations.
(a) ping the destination address from PC: 127.0.0. 1.
(b) Ping the destination address from PC: 10. 10.20.6438+0.
(c) Ping the destination address from PC: 10. 10.30.6438+0.
(d) Ping the destination address from PC: 10. 10.40.438+0.
(e) ping the destination address from PC: 129.0.0. 1.
(f) Ping the destination address from PC: 224.0.0. 1.
Answer: BCDE
14, about IP routing, the following statement is correct ().
(a) Routing is the concept of Layer 3 in the OSI model.
(b) Any route must include the following three parts of information: source address, destination address and next hop.
(c) In a local area network, routing includes the following two parts: IP address and MAC address.
(D) IP routing is path information that guides IP message forwarding.
Answer: AD
15, the following statement about the link state algorithm is correct ()
(a) The link state is a description of the route
(b) Link state is a description of network topology.
(c) The link-state algorithm itself does not generate self-loop routing.
(D) OSPF uses the link-state algorithm.
Answer: BCD
16, the access control list must be configured ()
(a) starting a firewall to filter data packets
(b) defining access control lists
(c) Apply the access control list on the interface
Develop a log host.
Answer: ABC
17 and X.25 networks adopt standard address identification, and this address is ().
(a) not unique
(b) Locally unique
Unique in the world.
Answer: c
The address form of X 12 1 is similar to the telephone number: area code+node number, which is unique in the world.
18, the purpose of the port number is ()
(a) simultaneous tracking of different sessions in the network
(b) The source system generates the port number to predict the destination address.
(c) The source system uses the port number to maintain the order of the session and select the appropriate application.
(d) The source system dynamically assigns the port number to a specific session according to the usage of its application.
Answer: AD
19, the dialer port is a logical dialer port, and a dialer port can contain multiple physical ports.
The relationship between dial-up port and physical port is ()
(1) It doesn't matter.
(b) Physical ports inherit the characteristics of dialer ports.
(c) The configuration of the dialer port will be transferred to the physical port.
(d) The configuration of the physical port will be passed to the dialer port.
Answer: BC
20, DTE can call in () virtual circuit interval.
(a) Bi-directional channel spacing
(b) Permanent virtual circuit interval
(c) unidirectional input channel spacing
(d) unidirectional output channel spacing
Answer: AD
One-way outbound channel interval: DTE can initiate a call.
One-way incoming channel interval: DCE can initiate calls.
Two-way channel interval: both DTE and DCE can initiate calls.
38, the principle of measuring the quality of routing algorithm does not include ()
(a) fast convergence
(c) advanced topology
(d) Is the path selection the best?
Answer: c
39. After RIP protocol receives the routing information released by the neighboring gateway, what is the correct handling of the following metrics? ()
(a) For routing items that are not in the routing table, add routing items only when the metric value is less than unreachable.
(b) For the existing routing table entry in the routing table, when the gateway sending the message is the same, the metric value of the routing table entry is updated only when the metric value decreases.
(c) For the existing routing table entry in the routing table, when the gateway sending the message is different, the metric value of the routing table entry is updated only when the metric value decreases.
(d) For the existing routing table entries in this routing table, when the gateway sending the message is the same, as long as the metric value changes, the metric value of this routing table entry will definitely be updated.
Answer: ACD
40. The main functions of reverse ARP are: ()
(a) Find the hardware address of the device through the network address of the network device.
(b) Find the DLCI number of the connection.
(c) Searching the protocol address of the opposite equipment connected by the virtual circuit in the frame relay network.
(d) Mapping between peer-to-peer protocol addresses and DLCI is generated in the frame relay network.
Answer: d