2 1/tcp FTP file transfer protocol
22/tcp SSH secure login, file transfer (SCP) and port redirection
23/tcp Telnet Unsafe Text Transmission
25/tcp SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (E-mail)
69/udp TFTP common file transfer protocol
79/tcp Finger Finger
80/tcp HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol (WWW)
88/tcp Kerberos authentication agent
1 10/tcp POP3 post office protocol (e-mail)
1 13/tcp identifies the old identification server system.
1 19/ tcp NNTP for newsgroups
220/tcp IMAP3
443/tcp HTTPS for secure transmission of web pages
1433 port intrusion
There are 1433 machines in Scanport.exe.
SQLScanPass.exe broke the dictionary (the dictionary is the key).
Finally, SQLTools.exe invaded.
For the system below sp2 of sql, the hello overflow vulnerability of sql can be used for intrusion.
The Nc -vv -l -p local port sqlhelloF.exe invaded the ip 1433 local ip local port.
(In turn, the test was successful)
Sqlhelloz.exe invaded ip 1433 (this is a forward connection).
2.4899 port intrusion
Use the 4899 filter. Scan the machine with a blank password.
3.3 The invasion in 1899
Very early machines, you can try the overflow of 3389(win3389ex.exe).
For 2000 machines, you can try dictionary explosion. ( tscrack.exe )
4.80 invasion
For machines before sp3, webdav can be used to invade;
For bbs forums, you can try to upload vulnerabilities (upfile.exe or dvup_delphi.exe).
You can use SQL for injection. (Xiaorong's injection software).
5.serv-u intrusion (port 2 1)
For systems below 5. 004, overflow intrusion can be used. ( serv5004.exe )
For systems of version 5. 1.0.0 and below, you can upgrade your permissions locally. ( servlocal.exe )
The MD5 encryption password of serv-u can be decomposed by dictionary. (crack.vbs)
Enter a password (34 bits long) encrypted by serv-u and compare it with the dictionary file (dict.txt) to obtain
Password. Such as: cscript cracking. VBS ib0a 10648 f 17e 9e 8d 1ff 3 16 105 a。
6. Port 554
Taking advantage of real554.exe's invasion.
7. Port 6 129
Use DameWare6 129.exe to invade.
8. System vulnerabilities
Use ports 135 and 445, exploit vulnerabilities ms03026, ms03039, ms03049 and ms040 1 1,
Carry out overflow invasion.
9.3 127 and other ports
You can use the destruction virus to open the port and use nodoom.exe to invade. (Available in mydoomscan.exe).
10. Other intrusions
Use Amber's intrusion software to invade (WINNTAutoAttack.exe).