What is the slogan against imperialism and feudalism?
China * * * Second National Congress of the Productive Party. In the revolutionary task put forward by the second national congress of the production party in China at this stage, "eliminate civil strife, overthrow warlords and establish domestic peace"; The first task is to overthrow the oppression of international imperialism and realize the complete independence of the Chinese nation. Among the slogans put forward at the end of the declaration issued by the meeting, the first two are "Down with warlords!" "Down with international imperialism!" After the Northern Expedition began, the All-China Federation of Trade Unions put forward the slogan "Down with warlords and imperialism" in the Departure Declaration to the National Government. This slogan was used the most and shouted the loudest in the Northern Expedition. The Northern Expeditionary Army shouted this slogan all the way, holding "Down with warlords! In addition to the slogan of "big country", it also sings "Down with warlords! The battle song "Down with the Powers" directly hit the Yangtze River valley from the Pearl River.