Zhou Wang is a dissolute and cruel man. He is infatuated with beautiful women and listens to da ji. Although da ji is beautiful, she is a snake and a scorpion. She bewitched the king to imprison Ji Chang, kill Jiang, and dig out the heart of the king and Shu Bigan. Later, the loyal ministers all hid far away, and the royal nobles were almost killed by him. Da ji played a certain role in the downfall of Shang Dynasty. Of course, Zhou Wang has its own problems. They say flies don't bite seamless eggs. If there is nothing wrong with this egg, the fly can't bite it.
Historical records? Yin Benji: "Da Le is playing in the sand dunes, with wine as the pool and county meat as the forest, so that men and women can chase each other naked and have a drink all night. It can be seen from this passage that Zhou Wang has been drinking for a long time. He is an alcoholic. His life is extremely luxurious. He also has a very special habit of letting men and women chase him naked, perhaps in pursuit of sensory stimulation. If there is a loyal minister in the DPRK to persuade him, he will use very severe punishment, such as branding, and many people are afraid to make any noise. Coupled with his heavy taxes on the people, the people's lives are in dire straits. Over time, both officials and ordinary people have great complaints about him, and his popularity has lost.
When King Wu saw that Shang Zhouwang had lost everyone's heart, he wanted to take this opportunity to do something great. At that time, Zhou Guo's national strength was constantly developing and growing. In the process of crusade against Shang Zhouwang, Zhou Guo's strength has become a bit strong. Zhou Wuwang probably didn't want to live under human rule for a long time and wanted to expand his territory, so he launched the Crusade. Think about it. There were so many vassal States at that time. Why did Zhou Guo come out to do it? It shows that Zhou Guo is ambitious. Besides, at that time, Zhou Wang had no choice but to lose the support of the people, which just gave him a chance.