First get the list of /dev, then get the current list of /dev, and then compare them. Linux system will automatically identify the USB interface as serial port sda (generally sda 1, which can be queried with the fdisk-l command), and then mount it. Example: create a new mount directory mkdir/mnt/usb, mount mount/dev/sda 1/mnt/usb, and uninstall the starting point unmount/dev/sda1/MNT/USB after completion.
How to check whether the serial port is available under linux? Serial name, etc?
1. Check whether the serial port is available. You can send data to a serial port, such as com 1, echolyjie126 >; /dev/ttyS0
2. Use ls-l/dev/ttyS* to check the serial name. Generally speaking, the serial name is under dev. If there is no external serial card, the default is ttyS* under dev. Generally, ttyS0 corresponds to com 1, and ttyS 1 corresponds to com2, which is not necessarily inevitable.
3. Check the serial driver: cat/proc/tty/drivers/serial.
4. Check the serial device: dmesg | greptys *
LinuxRS485 serial port programming?
For programming, there is no difference, and the program can be used completely through the enabling terminal of control 485. The only difference is that the control pin of 485 can be raised by the program when transmitting and lowered when receiving. As for the electrical differences: RS232 is full duplex, which can transmit and receive at the same time, and RS485 is half duplex, which cannot transmit and receive at the same time. The level signal is different, so you will ignore this programming.
How does the upper computer labview receive the data from the lower computer through the serial port and process it?
Method 1: find an instrument (oscilloscope, daq) to analyze the reading level sequence by itself; Method 2: find an i2c conversion chip to convert it into a serial port or usb or provide a dll by the chip. Method 3: get a single chip microcomputer to write down the analysis time sequence and then transmit it to the computer through the serial port. Method 4: Find a host with i2c module and call win_api(Linux doesn't know) R.
Linux looking for serial port?
1, the device entrance can check /dev/ttyS*, /dev/*uart* (main device number 4 or 204), the first serial port is usually ttyS0, *uart0 and other USB to serial port /proc/ devices are generally /dev/ttyUSB0* (main device number 188), the first. 3. The serial port is a communication port. If there are multiple serial port devices, you need to check which serial port is connected, such as cat/dev/ttyS0.