The first man in this story is naturally Wang Yun. The second one is Dong Zhuo. It is said that Dong Zhuo controlled Luoyang at that time, and Wang Yun, who was loyal to the imperial court, was dissatisfied with Dong Zhuo's actions and had the idea of killing Dong Zhuo. Dong Zhuo, who holds the relieving power, has a hobby, which is to like beautiful women. Wang Yun had to reluctantly give up what one favours and specially invited Dong Zhuo to dinner at the Hongmen banquet. At the dinner table, Diusim's story was called to accompany Dong Zhuo. How can Zhuo, who is naturally romantic, stand this temptation? Looking at the story of diusim in front of me, my mouth watered all over the floor. Wang Yun could see that Dong Zhuo had taken the bait and promised to send the story of Diusim to your home in a few days. At the same time, the treacherous Wang Yun also arranged the story of Diusim to meet Dong Zhuo's adopted son Lu Bu in this way, and promised to marry him the story of Diusim. In this way, the story of Diusim was arranged by Wang Yun between two people, which caused the contradiction between father and son. In order to win the story of Diusim, Lu Bu finally killed his own michel platini Dong Zhuo.
The story of diusim married to Lu Bu, and fought with Lu Bu everywhere, but it was related to Liu Bei, and the two sides blended with each other. Liu Bei had to ask Cao Cao to send troops and finally won the war. The third person in Deusim's story also died.
There is no detailed story about the future fate of diusim. According to various legends in unofficial history, there are three results: first, Cao Cao, who also loves beautiful women, brought the story of Diusim into the harem; Second, Cao Cao gave his right-hand man Xu Man to Chu; Thirdly, Cao Cao gave Guan Yu the story of Diusim and Red Rabbit.
But the story of diusim's final fate, how many men he served in his life, is impossible to verify.