Da ji and da ji have been regarded as the most dangerous women for many years. She killed Bigan and maimed the people, which eventually led to the demise of the Zhou Dynasty. In fact, in many fairy tales, da ji is not the queen. On the contrary, what he did was ordered by Nu Wa. Because the fate of the Zhou Dynasty had come to an end, Nu Wa chose da ji to help the Zhou Dynasty perish. Although da ji is a disaster for the country and people, her love for Zhou Wang is true. In the end, she would rather die than be separated from Zhou Wang. She would rather die than kill Zhou Wang herself.
Praise famous stories and play princes in bonfires. Praise is a kind of beauty that spreads thousands of miles because of its gorgeous appearance. Therefore, Zhou Youwang always wants to be praised. When he defeats the country, he will take it for himself. In fact, from the level of praise, she is just a poor person whose country is ruined. For Zhou Wang, this kind of beauty makes him want to have it more and more, so even if he does such an absurd thing, he wants to praise and smile. However, later generations blamed Yu Meiren for such crimes. Beauty didn't do anything. She only had the right to choose sadness or happiness, but in the end this right was also deprived.
The TV series that Dilraba and Wen cooperated is The Story of Li Ji. Historically, Li Ji was a concubine dedicated to Jin Xiangong. Although she is very beautiful and graceful, she is also a representative of the femme fatale because of her sinister character and very bad reputation in history.
Sister-in-law and Sister-in-law are the Empresses of Xia Jie, the monarch of Xia Dynasty. Because of her beautiful appearance and touching facial features, Xia Jie has been fond of her for a long time, and because of this, Sister-in-law is called the first femme fatale.