Import java.util.arrays;
Import java.util.list;
Import java.util.random;
Import java.util.regex.matcher;
Import java.util.regex.pattern; /**
* The following is a simulation of a super lottery random number selection function, which is generated in strict accordance with the probability.
* @ Author Jack
Open class is super happy {
//Declare a list to store front area numbers.
Private distribution list & lt integer & gtobjfrontlist = new ArrayList & lt integer & gt ();
//Declare a list to store area codes.
Private distribution list & lt integer & gtobjBackList = new ArrayList & lt integer & gt ();
//Declare a regular expression object to match whether it is a single digit or not, and use it for output verification.
pattern objP = pattern . compile(" \ \ d ");
//The string to be operated on
Matcher objM = null
String[]Front = new String[5];
String[] Back = new string [2]; //Initialize the lottery number
public void init() {
for(int I = 1; I<= 35; i++) {
objfrontlist . add(I);
for(int I = 1; I<= 12; i++) {
objbacklist . add(I);
}//Start the lucky draw.
public void beginLottery() {
Random obj Random = new Random();
Int nFrontCount = 35// Total number of front zone numbers
int nback count = 12; //Total number of back area numbers//Clear the list before the lottery, and then initialize it.
objfrontlist . clear();
//system . out . println(objFrontList);
objbacklist . clear();
//system . out . println(objBackList);
this . init();
* generate 5 front area numbers.
for(int I = 0; I<5; i++) {
//system . out . println(" nFrontCount:"+nFrontCount);
//Initially there are 35 prefix codes, and an index is randomly generated.
int nIndex = obj random . nextint(nFrontCount);
//Temporarily store the selected number in a variable with regular expression validation.
int nTemp = objfrontlist . get(nIndex);
String strTemp = new integer (nTemp). toString();
//Match the obtained number with a regular expression
objM = objp . matcher(strTemp);
Boolean flag = objm. matches ();
//If it is a single digit, zero should be added.
If (logo) {
front[I]=(" 0 "+strTemp+" ");
} Otherwise {
front[I]=(strTemp+" ");
//Delete the number at this index in the list, because if one is selected, it will not be put back.
objfrontlist . remove(nIndex);
//The total number of figures is reduced by one.
Arrays.sort (front end);
for(int n = 0; N < front. length; n++) {
system . out . print(Front[n]+" \ t ");
system . out . print("+");
* generate 2 back area numbers.
for(int I = 0; I<2; i++) {
//system . out . println(" nBackCount:"+nBackCount);
//Initially, there are 12 area codes, and an index is generated randomly.
int nIndex = obj random . nextint(nBackCount);
//Temporarily store the selected number in a variable with regular expression validation.
int nTemp = objbacklist . get(nIndex);
String strTemp = new integer (nTemp). toString();
//Match the obtained number with a regular expression
objM = objp . matcher(strTemp);
Boolean flag = objm. matches ();
//If it is a single digit, zero should be added.
If (logo) {
back[I]=(" 0 "+strTemp+" ");
} Otherwise {
back[I]=(strTemp+" ");
//Delete the number at this index in the list, because if one is selected, it will not be put back.
objbacklist . remove(nIndex);
//for(int n = 0; n & ltobjbacklist . size(); n++){
//system . out . println(" obj backlist:"+obj backlist . get(n));
// }
//The total number of figures is reduced by one.
nback count-;
arrays . sort(Back);
for(int n = 0; N & ltBack. length; n++) {
system . out . print(Back[n]+" \ t ");
//Take notes and press enter.
system . out . println(" ");
}//How many lottery tickets are output as required?
public void output lottery(int VN count){
for(int I = 0; I & ltvncounti++)
this . begin lottery();
} /**
* @param args
Public static void main(String[] args) {
SuperJoyful objSJ = new SuperJoyful
enter console objEC = new enter console();
//Declare a regular expression object to match whether it is a number.
pattern objP = pattern . compile(" \ \ d { 1,} ");
//The string to be operated on
Matcher objM = null
//Receive console input
String objTemp =(String)objec . print console();
//String strTemp =(String)objTemp;
objM = objp . matcher(objTemp);
Boolean flag = objm. matches ();
int nTemp = 0;
If (logo) {
NTemp = new integer (objtemp);
} Otherwise {
System.out.println ("Sorry, only numbers can be entered!" );
objsj . output lottery(nTemp);
} enter console . javaimport Java . io . buffered reader;
Common class input console
Public object printConsole(){
System.out.print ("Please enter the number of notes you want to randomly select and press Enter:");
buffered reader objBR = new buffered reader(new InputStreamReader(system . in));
String strValue = null
strValue =(String)objbr . readline();
IOException e
// TODO automatically generated catch block
e . printstacktrace();
Return to strValue
The slogan of patriotic health campaign Part I
1, national mobilization, extensive patriotic health month activities.
2, to carry out patri