Cato for another word-hundreds
Combine the words into one word: madam, ancients, bookworm, man, and myself.
Markov estimation preserving pseudo-morphology
Group words (at least 5)
Pencil, pen, oil pen, pen, team.
Sticks, brooms, toothbrushes, knives and chopsticks.
A pair of glasses, gloves, chess, checkers and military chess.
A false tooth, a well, clean water,
Slogan of Beijing's Olympic bid: The world gives Beijing a chance, and Beijing will give the world a surprise.
Fill in the quantifiers as usual: one person, one group, one team.
One (painting), one (axis) and one (scroll) painting.
A book, a box and a book.
Add a number next to a single number to form another word (7 words): Wu, Shi, Qian, Bai, Liang, Ren and San.
Write the antonyms and synonyms of the following words.
What does the successful bid for the Olympic Games show? How much do you know about the success of the Olympic bid?
Cloze in groups
Physical (weak) will (weak) feelings (weak)