Ancient Greece: 7th century BC-2nd century BC
Thales (624- 547 BC, the first philosopher in ancient Greece, founder of Miletus School)
Anaximander (6 10- 546 BC, materialist philosopher of the ancient Greek Miletus school).
Anaximenes (Anaximenes, 588- 525 BC, materialist philosopher of the ancient Greek Miletus school)
Pythagoras (580- 500 BC, ancient Greek mathematician and idealist philosopher)
Xenophanes (565- 473 BC, ancient Greek philosopher, the first representative of Elijah School)
Heraclitus (from 540 BC to 480 BC and 470 BC, ancient Greek materialist philosopher, founder of the Eiffel School)
Kratylos (Kratylos, 5th century, philosopher of Eiffel School in ancient Greece, student of Heraclitus).
Parmenides (from the end of 6th century to the middle of 5th century, an idealist philosopher of Elijah School in ancient Greece).
Leukippos (about 500- 440 BC, ancient Greek materialist philosopher, one of the founders of atomism).
Anaxagoras (500- 428 BC, ancient Greek materialist philosopher)
Zhi Nuo (Ilya) (Zenon Iliad, 490- 436 BC, idealist philosopher in ancient Greece, student of parmenides).
Empedocles (490- 430 BC, ancient Greek materialist philosopher, founder of rhetoric)
Gorgias (483- 375 BC, ancient Greek philosopher of the Wise School).
Protagoras (former 48 1- former 4 1 1, ancient Greek philosopher of the school of the wise).
Socrates (469- 399 BC, ancient Greek idealist philosopher)
Demokritos (460- 370 BC, ancient Greek materialist philosopher, also known as the founder of atomism with leucippus).
Antisthenes (435- 370 BC, ancient Greek philosopher, founder of cynicism).
Aristippus (Aristippos, about 435- 360? , ancient Greek philosopher, founder of Silene School, disciple of Socrates)
Plato (Plato, 427- 347 BC, objective idealist philosopher in ancient Greece, founder of the academy, student of Socrates, teacher of Aristotle)
Diogenes (of Sinopa) (Diogenes Sinopos, 404- 323 BC, ancient Greek cynic philosopher).
Aristotle (Aristotle, 384- 322 BC, ancient Greek philosopher, scientist, student of Plato, teacher of Alexander the Great, founder of Minstrel)
Piron (365- 275 BC, ancient Greek philosopher and skeptic)
Epikouros (former 34 1- former 270, ancient Greek materialist philosopher)
Zhi Nuo (Yoshida) (Zenon Kitieus, founder of Stoicism in ancient Greece, about 336- 264 BC).
Roman period: 2nd century BC to 5th century AD.
Cicero (marcus tullius cicero, former106-former 43, an ancient Roman politician, orator and philosopher, was a representative of eclecticism in philosophy).
Titus Lucretius Carus (99- 55 BC, Roman poet and materialist philosopher)
Andlau Knicks (a century ago, an ancient Greek philosopher and bard, famous for compiling Aristotle's works).
Aenesidemus (BC 1 century, ancient Greek philosopher, skeptic, ideological successor of Pyrrho).
Philo (30 BC-45 BC, ancient Jewish mystic philosopher)
Seneca (Seneca, about 4- 65 BC, ancient Roman philosopher and dramatist, one of the main representatives of Neo-Stoicism)
Epiktetos (epikttos, about 66-? , the ancient Roman Stoic philosopher)
Lucian (about 125—— about 192, translated by Lucian, an ancient Greek prose writer, materialist philosopher and atheist).
Marcus Aurelius (Marcus Aurelius Antoninus, 12 1- 180, Emperor of Rome [16 1- 180], Neo-Stoic philosopher).
Seikst Empiricus (about the middle of the second century AD, ancient Roman philosopher and skeptic)
Tertullianus (about 150- 160-222, one of the godfathers of Christianity).
Holguin (about185-about 254, Christian theologian, one of the main representatives of godfather philosophy).
Diogenēs Laertius (diogenes? Rtius, about 200- 250, the editor of the ancient Greek philosophical historical material "Records of the Words and Actions of Famous Philosophers")
Plotinos (about 204- 270, idealist philosopher in ancient Rome and Greece, the most important representative of Neo-Platonism).
Porphyry (porphyry, 233 or 234-about 305, Greek-born idealist philosopher, neo-Platonist, disciple of Plotinus in ancient Rome).
Augustine (Aurelius Augustine, 354-430, Roman Christian thinker, the main representative of godfather philosophy)
Hipatia (Hipatia, about 370- about 4 15, female mathematician, astronomer and neo-Platonist philosopher in Roman Empire)
Poitius (Anicius Manlius Severinus Boethius, about 480-524 or 525, idealist philosopher in late ancient Rome)
Middle Ages: 5th century-14th century.
Johannes Scott Elliugenna (about 8 10-877, scholasticism in early medieval Europe).
Anselmus (Anselmus, 1033- 1 109, a Christian thinker in medieval Europe, the main representative of realism, was known as "the last godfather and the first scholastic philosopher").
Roscellinus (about 1050—— about112, medieval French scholasticism, nominalist)
Cattail (Guillaume de Champeaux, about1070-1121,philosopher and realist of scholasticism in medieval France).
Abelard (,1079- 1 142, medieval French scholasticism, a "conceptualist").
Albert the Great (albertus magnus, 1 193 or 1206 or 1207- 1280, philosopher and theologian of German scholasticism in the middle ages).
Rogier Aquinas (1226- 1274, medieval theologian and scholastic philosopher, Catholic Dominican).
Siegel (Sigerus de Brantia, about 1240- 128 1 to 1284, Dutch philosopher, Averroeist)
Eckhart (about 1260- 1327, medieval German theologian and mystic philosopher).
Duns Scott (about 1265- 1308, medieval Scottish scholasticism, nominalist).
Ockham] (about 1300- 1350, Confucian scholasticism in the middle ages, nominalist).
Hus (Jan Hus, about 1369- 14 15, Czech patriot and religious reformer)
Renaissance:1from the beginning of the 5th century to the end of the 6th century.
Dante alighieri (1265- 132 1), an Italian poet, was called "the last poet in the middle ages and the first poet in the new era" by Engels.
Petrarch (Francesco Petrarch, 1304- 1374, Italian poet, one of the pioneers of European Renaissance humanism).
Geovanni Boccaccio (13 13- 1375, Italian writer in Renaissance, one of the main representatives of humanism).
Paul (John Ball,-138 1, a British folk missionary, one of the leaders of Walter Taylor Uprising).
John wycliffe (about 1320- 1384, Britain, the pioneer of European religious reform)
Nicholas (of Coussa) (Nicolaus Cusanus, 140 1- 1464, German philosopher, cardinal and pantheist in Renaissance)
Da Vinci (1452- 15 19, Italian artist, natural scientist, engineer and philosopher in Renaissance).
Bonazzi (Pietro Pomponazzi, 1462- 1524 or 1525, Italian philosopher in Renaissance, one of the main representatives of humanism).
Erasmus (Desiderius Erasmus, about 1469- 1536, a Dutch humanist in the Renaissance, formerly known as Gerhard Gerhards, was born in Rotterdam, the Netherlands).
Thomas Moore (1478- 1535, producer of British Utopia in Renaissance)
Martin Luther (1483- 1546,1founder of the German Reformation in the 6th century and Protestant Lutheranism).
Menzel (about 1490- 1525, 1524- 1525, the leader of German peasant war, the religious reformer of German peasants and urban civilians).
Calvin (jean chauvin, 1509- 1564, French, European religious reformer, founder of Christian Calvinism)
Bernardino Tlesi O (1509- 1588, Italian philosopher in Renaissance)
Montaigne (Michel Acomb de Montaigne, 1533- 1592, translated by Montaigne, a French Renaissance thinker and essayist)
Salon (Pierre Charron, 154 1- 1603, French philosopher in Renaissance)
Giordano bruno (1548- 1600, Italian philosopher in Renaissance)
Campanella (tommaso campanella, 1568- 1639, industrialist of Italian Utopia in Renaissance).
Jacob B. Hme, 1575- 1624, German mystic philosopher in Renaissance)
Grotius (1583- 1645, Dutch bourgeois jurist, early theorist of natural law school, studying law, theology, history, literature and natural science, famous for his research on international law).
Vanini (1584- 16 19, Italian philosopher in Renaissance).
Modern philosophy period:1Early 7th century-1930s &; The period of modern philosophy: from 1930 to the present.
Francis Bacon (,156 1- 1626, "The real ancestor of British materialism and the whole modern experimental science"-Marx).
Hobbes (Thomas Hobbes, 1588- 1679, British materialist philosopher)
Gassendi (1592- 1655, translated by French materialist philosopher, physicist and astronomer Gassendi).
Descartes (rene descartes, 1596- 1650, French philosopher, physicist, mathematician and physiologist, founder of analytic geometry).
Le Lua (Hendrik van Roy, French name Henri Le Roy, Latin name Henricus Regius, 1598- 1679, Dutch doctor, philosopher, representative of early mechanical materialism).
Weinstein Lai (about1609-about 1652, the leader of the earth-digging movement during the British bourgeois revolution, a utopian capitalist).
Li Erben (about 16 14- 1657, petty-bourgeois democrat in the British bourgeois revolution, leader of the average faction).
Herringx (Arnold Geulincx, 1625- 1669, an idealist philosopher of the Dutch Descartes school, he and Malebranche are called even theorists).
Spinoza (baruch [later renamed Benediktus] Spinoza, 1632- 1677, Dutch materialist philosopher).
John Locke (1632- 1704, British materialist philosopher)
Maleblanche (1638- 17 15, French idealist philosopher).
Leibniz (Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, 1646- 17 16, German natural scientist, mathematician and idealist philosopher)
Pierre Baylor (1647- 1706, French enlightenment thinker and materialist philosopher)
Calder (1656- 1725, British deist).
Meyer (jean meslier, 1664- 1729, French materialist, atheist and producer of Utopia).
Vico (Giovanni Battista Vico, 1668- 1744, Italian idealist philosopher)
Doland (1670- 1722, British materialist philosopher).
Anthony Ashley Cooper shaftesbury (1671-1713, English deist)
Collins (Anthony Collins, 1676- 1729, British deist)
Pauline Brock (1678- 175 1, English deist).
Wolff (1679- 1754, German idealist philosopher).
Becquerel (1685- 1753, British idealist philosopher).
Montesquieu (1689- 1755, French enlightenment thinker and jurist).
Voltaire (1694- 1778) was a French enlightenment thinker, writer and philosopher. Formerly known as Francois? Marley? Arouette (Fran? ois Marie Arouet))
Morelly (pen name, real name unknown,1producer of French Utopia in the middle of the 8th century).
David hartley (1705- 1757, British materialist philosopher, one of the founders of psychological association theory, deist).
Mably (1709- 1785, French Utopia producer, brother of Condilac).
Terry (also known as Ramat) in Latin America (Julian O 'Froy de la Metri, 1709- 175 1, French enlightenment thinker and materialist philosopher).
Read (Thomas Reid, 17 10- 1796, English philosopher, the founder of the Scottish school, that is, the common sense school).
Lomonosov (милвил?евичломнооосв)
Hume (david hume,171-1776, British idealist philosopher, agnostic, historian and economist).
Jean jacques Rousseaux (17 12- 1778, French enlightenment thinker, philosopher, educator and writer).
Diderot (Denis Diderot, 17 13- 1784, French enlightenment thinker, materialist philosopher, atheist, writer, editor-in-chief of Encyclopedia).
Baumgarden (alexander gottlieb baumgarten, 17 14- 1762, German philosopher and advocate of Wolff's philosophy system).
Helvetius (1715-1771,French enlightenment thinker and materialist philosopher).
Condilac (17 15- 1780, French enlightenment thinker, sentimentalist, brother of mably).
Da Lambert (Jean Le Rond d' Alembert, 17 17- 1783, translated by D'Alembert, French mathematician, enlightenment thinker and philosopher, and former deputy editor of encyclopedia).
Holbach (1723- 1789, French enlightenment thinker, materialist philosopher and atheist).
Kant (Immanuel Kant, 1724- 1804, founder of German classical idealism)
Lessing (Gotthold Ephraim Lessing, 1729- 178 1, German thinker, literary theorist and playwright during the Enlightenment)
Daudeville (Henry Daudeville? -1784, British deist)
Robiner (Jean batiste René Robiner, 1735- 1820, French philosopher)
Condorcet (1743- 1794, a bourgeois theorist during the French bourgeois revolution).
Jacobi (Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi, 1743- 18 19, German idealist philosopher)
Johann Gottfried von Herder (1744- 1803), a German literary theorist and philosopher, was the theoretical director of the Hurricane Movement (German bourgeois literary movement in 1970s and 1980s).
Jeremy Bentham (1748- 1832, British ethicist and jurist, the main representative of bourgeois utilitarianism)
Goethe (johann wolfgang von goethe, 1749- 1832, German poet, playwright and thinker).
William godwin (1756- 1836, British writer, social thinker and priest, who later supported atheism and the Enlightenment).
Cabanis (Pierre Jean Georges Cabanis, 1757- 1808, bourgeois theorist, physiologist and pioneer of vulgar materialism during the French bourgeois revolution).
Vorne (Constantine Fran? Ois Volney, 1757- 1820, a bourgeois thinker during the French bourgeois revolution)
Francois Noe l Babeyf (formerly known as Fran? Isn't it? L. Francois Noe l Babeyf, 1760- 1797, French revolutionary, utopian producer)
Saint-Simon (1760- 1825, French utopian socialist).
Filippo Michel Buonarroti (176 1- 1837) is a producer of French Utopia. Originally from Italy, he participated in the 1789 French Revolution and was awarded the title of "France * * *".
Fichte (johann gottlieb fichte, 1762- 18 14, German classical idealist philosopher)
Hegel (georg wilhelm friedrich hegel, 1770- 183 1, German classical idealist)
Robert owen (177 1- 1858, British utopian socialist).
Fourier (Charles Fourier, 1772- 1837, French utopian socialist)
Schelling (Friedrich william joseph von Schelling, 1775- 1854, German idealist philosopher)
Bernhard Porzano (178 1- 1848, Czech mathematician, philosopher and logician).
Kebe (etienne cabet, 1788- 1856, producer of French Utopia * * *).
Arthur schopenhauer (1788- 1860, German idealist philosopher, voluntarist)
Cousin (Victor Cousin, 1792- 1867, French idealist philosopher, calling his philosophical system eclecticism).
Heinrich heine (1797- 1856, German poet, political commentator and thinker)
Comte (Auguste Comte, 1798- 1857, French positivist philosopher)
Desamis (Théodore Dézamy, 1803- 1850, French Utopia producer).
Feuerbach (Ludwig Andreas Feuerbach, 1804- 1872, German materialist philosopher)
Blanche (1805- 188 1, French revolutionary, producer of Utopia).
Stiener (Max Stirner, 1806- 1856, pen name Casbah × Schmidt, German idealist philosopher, one of the representatives of young hegelians, solipsist and pioneer of anarchism).
John stewart Mill (1806- 1873, British idealist philosopher, economist and logician, son of james mill).
Vitlin (1808- 187 1, German early worker movement activist and utopian industrialist).
Strauss (d.f.strauss, 1808- 1874, German idealist philosopher, one of the representatives of young hegelians, famous for criticizing Christianity).
Proudhon (1809- 1865, French petty-bourgeois economist and sociologist, one of the founders of anarchism).
Powell (Bruno Bauer, 1809- 1882, German idealist philosopher, the main representative of young hegelians)
Belinsky (виссарионгргорьевич)
Jean Joseph Charles (1811-kloc-0/882, French petty-bourgeois socialist and historian).
Herzen (александривановичгре).
Kierkegaard (soren kierkegaard, 18 13- 1855, Danish idealist philosopher, whose thought became one of the theoretical foundations of existentialism in modern bourgeois philosophy).
Bakunin (михаилалександровичбб)
Rudolf Herman Louw (1817-1881,a German idealist philosopher, called his philosophy "teleological idealism").
Glenn (Karl Glenn, 18 17- 1887, German petty-bourgeois socialist)
Vogt (Karl Vogt, 18 17- 1895, German naturalist and vulgar materialist, called his philosophy "physiological humanism").
Marx (Karl Marx,1818.5.5-1883.3.14, founder of Marxism, great mentor and leader of the proletariat all over the world).
Friedrich engels (1820.1.28-1895.8.5, one of the founders of Marxism, a great mentor and leader of the proletariat in the world, and a comrade-in-arms of Marx).
Spencer (Herbert Spencer, 1820- 1903, British sociologist, agnostic and idealistic philosopher)
Jacob Moleshott (1822- 1893, a Dutch physiologist and philosopher, one of the representatives of vulgar materialism).
Ludwig Buchner (1824- 1899, German doctor, one of the representatives of vulgar materialism).
La Salle (Ferdinand La Salle, 1825- 1864, the leader of the opportunistic faction in the German workers' movement)
Huxley (Thomas Henry Huxley, 1825- 1895, British naturalist)
Uberweig (Friedrich? Berweg, 1826- 187 1, a German philosopher, is famous for his book Introduction to the History of Philosophy).
Friedrich Albert Lange (1828- 1875, German idealist philosopher, early neo-Kantian)
Joseph Dietzgen (1828- 1888, German socialist writer and philosopher, Tanner).
Chernyshevski (николайгаврловичер)
Tanner (Hippolyte Adolphetane, 1828- 1893, translated by Tanner, a French literary theorist, historian and one of the successors of Comte's positivism philosophy).
Feng Te (1832- 1920), a German psychologist and philosopher, was one of the founders of structural psychology.
Dilthey (,1833-191,German idealist philosopher, originally neo-Kantian, then turned to philosophy of life).
Karl eugen dooling (1833- 192 1, German philosopher and vulgar economist)
William Tory Harris (1835- 1909, American educator and idealist philosopher, the earliest disseminator of Hegel's philosophy in America).
Thomas Hill Green (1836- 1882, British idealist philosopher)
Schupp (William Schupp, 1836- 19 13, German idealist philosopher, founder of internalism).
Mach (ernst mach, 1838- 19 16, Austrian physicist, idealist philosopher and one of the founders of positive criticism).
Charles Sanders Peirce (1839- 19 14, American idealist philosopher and founder of pragmatism).
Lippmann (Otto Lippmann, 1840- 19 12, German idealist philosopher, early neo-Kantian, who first put forward the slogan of "returning to Kant").
Bebel (1840- 19 13, one of the founders and leaders of the German Social Democratic Party and the Second International, a lathe worker and a member of the First International).
James (william james, 1842- 19 10, American idealist philosopher, psychologist, pragmatist and founder of functional psychology).
Lafargue (1842-191,French worker movement activist, student of Marx and Engels, 1868 and Laura Marx, the second daughter of Marx (1845-/kloc-)
Cohen (Herman Cohen, 1842- 19 18, German idealist philosopher, founder of Marburg School of Neo-Kantism).
Hartmann (Edward Hartmann, 1842- 1906, German idealist philosopher)
Avenarius (1843- 1896, German philosopher of subjective idealism, one of the founders of empirical criticism).
Nietzsche (friedrich nietzsche, 1844- 1900, German idealist philosopher, voluntarist)
Franz Mehring (1846- 19 19, one of the left-wing leaders of the German Social Democratic Party, a political commentator and historian).
Bradley (1846- 1924, British idealist philosopher, New hegelianism).
Walker (Rudolf Ou Ken, 1846- 1926, German idealist philosopher)
Vendel (wilhelm windelband, 1848- 19 15, German idealist philosopher, founder of Neo-Kant School).
Fritz fritz mauthner (Fritz fritz mauthner, 1849- 1923, German idealist philosopher, representative of language philosophy, born in Bohemia).
Bernstein (Eduart Bernstein, 1850- 1932, leader of German Social Democratic Party, second international right wing, representative of revisionism).
Schubert-Solden (Richard Schubert-,1852- 1935, German idealist philosopher, one of the representatives of internalism).
Mino (,1853- 1920, Austrian idealist philosopher).
Karl kautsky (1854- 1938, one of the leaders of the German Social Democratic Party, the second international revisionist).
Plekhanov (георгийвалентиовичп)
Karl pearson (1857- 1936, British idealist philosopher and mathematician, one of the advocates of eugenics)
Alexander (Samuel Alexander, 1859- 1938, British idealist philosopher, neo-realist)
Husserl (edmund husserl, 1859- 1938, German idealist philosopher, founder of modern phenomenology)
Henri bergson (1859- 194 1, French idealist philosopher, the main representative of life philosophy and modern irrationalism).
John dewey (1859- 1952, American idealist philosopher, sociologist, educator and pragmatist)
Alfred north whitehead (186 1- 1947, British idealist philosopher and mathematician)
Josef Petzoldt (1862- 1929, German idealist philosopher and empiricist critic)
Eugen Dietzgen (Eugen Dietzgen, 1862- 1930, son of Joseph Dietzgen, used some confusion in his father's philosophy to distort dialectical materialism and "roll into reactionary philosophy"-Lenin).
Heinrich Richter (1863- 1936, German idealist philosopher, one of the main representatives of the Freiburg school of neo-Kantian).
Schiller (Ferdinand Canning Scott Schiller, 1864- 1937, British philosopher and pragmatist, called his pragmatic philosophy "humanism").
Croce (benedetto croce, 1866- 1952, translated by Italian idealist philosopher, historian and new hegelianism Croce).
Hans Driesch (Hans Driesch, 1867- 194 1, German idealist philosopher, biologist and neo-vitalist).
Lenin (владимирличленинул)
Bertrand Russell (1872- 1970, British idealist philosopher, mathematician and logician)
Moore (George Edward Moore, 1873- 1958, British idealist philosopher, one of the main representatives of new realism)
Qintilli (Giovanni Gentile, 1875- 1944, Italian idealist philosopher, New hegelianism).
Stalin (иосивисарионовичса)
Bingler (Oswald Bingler, 1880- 1936, German idealist philosopher and historian)
De Bolin (абрамоиесевичдебори)
Schlick (,1882- 1936, idealist philosopher, born in Germany, once taught at Vienna University, the leader of Vienna School, and one of the founders of logical positivism).
Marie Dane (Jacques Maritain, 1882- 1973, French theologian, idealist philosopher, the main representative of Neo-Thomas Doctrine)
Karl jaspers (karl jaspers, 1883- 1969, German existentialist philosopher).
Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889- 195 1) is an Austrian idealist philosopher and logician. 1838 After Hitler annexed Austria, he became a British citizen and taught at Cambridge University)
Martin heidegger (1889- 1976, German existentialist philosopher, president and professor of a university during Hitler's reign, supported Nazism).
Mao Zedong (1893.12.26-1976.9.9, the great Marxism–Leninism, the great leader and mentor of the * * * production party in China and the people of all ethnic groups in China).
Maurice Melo-Ponty (1908- 196 1, French existentialist philosopher).
Camus (albert camus, 19 13- 1960, French existentialist)