Singer: Love Union
Love us and we will unite.
For all the people in the world
For all the people in the world, we will unite all the love.
Have you ever dreamed of being
The largest team on earth.
Have you ever played Dreams Come True?
Now is the time, you are a star.
Have you ever dreamed of playing for the greatest team in the world?
Did you realize your dream to the greatest extent?
The opportunity is right in front of you, and you are the star.
The ball is moving in your direction
Give it all your attention.
Pick it up and pass it on.
That will make us strong.
The ball is running in your direction.
Please concentrate.
Take the ball and pass it on.
This is the source that makes us strong.
We will live for love.
We will pay for love
For such a moment
For everything we missed
Moments like this
For everything we lost because of mistakes.
We will exist for united love.
We should dedicate this united love.
We will live for love.
Come together inseparably
We will stand up.
For all the people in the world
We will live for united love.
never to be separated -- inseparable
We will work hard for all the people in the world
Have you ever dreamed of flying high?
Look down from heaven with God's eyes
You know, we can intervene.
Children who need your protection
Singing this song is not enough.
The cup of life and it (don't understand this)
Have you ever dreamed of flying in the sky and looking down at the world through God's eyes?
You know, we need some intervention.
The children need your protection
Just singing this song is not enough.
We will live for love.
We will pay for love
For such a moment
For everything we missed.
We will live for love.
Come together inseparably
We will stand up.
For all the people in the world
(Repeat the above)
I fight for the love of Manchester United, and I entertain for unity.
Juego para love united
Jag spelar f? R love union
Ne ngioka loves union.
I love Union (French)
(All the above are languages)
We will live for love.
We will pay for love
For such a moment
For everything we missed
We will live for love.
Come together inseparably
We will stand up.
For all the people in the world
(Repeat the above)
EU jogo para loves union.
I am united for love.
I love Manchester United.
Anka joue pou love united
Angelo, I love unity.
EU jogo para loves union.
Sing Hannah a song of love
(The above are the languages of various countries)