Five children drowned in a pond in xian county, Hebei! Old people take care of their children as long as they ensure that their children are well fed and warm, and will not discipline them too much. But children are naturally playful, and it may be dangerous to be playful outside. In Hebei province, five children drowned while playing in a pond. The public was very sad when they heard the news. At that time, six children came to play next to the pit pond, and five of them had gone down to play in the pond. There was a boy who took off his coat and went home by himself because of something at home.
In the afternoon, when he was going to play with the five girls, he found that all the five girls were gone. There is a girl floating in the pond. He was very anxious after seeing it, and immediately ran to the village to call for adults. The villagers rushed to the incident pond and salvaged five children ashore. None of them have vital signs. These children are all left-behind children at home and usually live with grandparents. Due to the lack of safety awareness, I ran to the pond to play, which led to the accident.
Why do tragedies always happen? Prevention of drowning is publicized every year, but it still happens every year. Because these children have no sense of safety, their parents are not around when they play. Once an accident happens, the consequences are unimaginable. Parents must educate their children at ordinary times and don't play by the pond, which is very dangerous. If a child wants to learn to swim, he can sign up for a swimming class and let him go to a formal place to study. Many parents' safety awareness is also very weak, and they take chances, so that once an accident occurs, it will cause tragedy.