Slide back, turn around and throw the ball.
Draw an arc in the air,
Like the sun rising in the east, and like a satellite flying into the universe.
Determined to study hard from now on,
Vowing to be ahead of the times.
1 praise athletes
Is our goal,
Is our belief,
In the cool early autumn,
In the noisy track and field,
You ignite the burning passion, whether you succeed or fail,
We are all proud of you,
You will always be our pride!
You flew out like an arrow when the gun went off,
At the end of the runway, you throw hard, and it is you who makes the shot fall farthest.
-Let us know what struggle is,
Yes, children are passion and children are glory. Come on,
Let everyone witness the moment you win,
Make everyone proud of you!
Facing the applause of the audience and taking advantage of the east wind of the Olympic Games,
We move and run on the runway.
Let's work together,
Run, run, run to the end of victory!
The shot put was thrown from your hand,
Draw a line in the air,
Beautiful parabola.
The shot put goes through the air,
Fell down on the field,
Leave a beautiful mark.
Every time you throw,
Are all expressions of passion;
Every time we land,
This is the result of hard work.