//Strong: letters+numbers+special characters
^(? ! [a-zA-z]+$)(? ! \d+$)(? ! [! @#$%^&; *]+$)(? ! [a-zA-z\d]+$)(? ! 【a-zA-z! @#$%^&; *]+$)(? ! [\d! @#$%^&; *]+$)[a-zA-Z\d! @#$%^&; *]+$//in: letters+numbers, letters+special characters, numbers+special characters.
^(? ! [a-zA-z]+$)(? ! \d+$)(? ! [! @#$%^&; *]+$)[a-zA-Z\d! @#$%^&; *]+$
//Weak: pure numbers, pure letters, pure special characters (? :\d+|[a-zA-Z]+|[! @#$%^&; *]+)$
//Check whether it is all composed of digital function Isdig (s) {var Patrn =/[0-9] {1,20} $/; If (! Patrn.exec(s)) returns false and returns true.
}//Check login name: Only 5-20 strings containing numbers "_" and "."can be entered {var patrn =/[a-za-z] {1} ([a-za-z0-9] | [. If (! The function isregisterusername {var patrn =/[a-za-z] {1} ([a-za-z0-9] | [._]) {4,19} $/; If (! patrn . exec))return false return true }
//Check user name: Only 1-30 strings with letters can be entered. The Javascript code function is truename (s) {var patrn =/[a-za-z] {1,30} $/; If (! Patrn.exec (s)) return false return true}}//Password verification: only 6-20 letters, numbers and underscores can be entered.
The function is Patrn =/(\ w) {6,20} $/; If (! Paten. Exec (s)) return false return true}//Check ordinary telephone and fax numbers: they can start with "+"and contain "-"in addition to numbers.
The function istel (s) {//var patrn =/[+] {0,1} (\ d) {1,3} []? ([-]? (\d){ 1, 12 })+$/; var patrn=/^[+]{0, 1}(\d){ 1,3}[]? ([-]? ((\d)|[ ]){ 1, 12 })+$/; If (! Paten. Exec (s)) return false return true}//Check the mobile phone number: it must start with a number and can contain "-"in addition to the number.
The function ismobile (s) {var patrn =/[+] {0,1} (\ d) {1,3} []? ([-]? ((\d)|[ ]){ 1, 12 })+$/; If (! Patrn.exec (s)) return false return true}//Check the postal code.
The function ispositalcode {//var patrn =/[a-za-z0-9] {3,12} $/; var patrn=/^[a-zA-Z0-9 ]{3, 12 } $/; If (! Patrn.exec (s)) return false return true}//Check the search keyword.
The function is to search {var patrn =/[` ~! @#$%^&; *()+=|\\\][\]\{\}:; '\,.& lt& gt/? ]{ 1}[^`~! @$%^&; ()+=|\\\][\]\{\}:;' \,.& lt& gt? ]{0, 19}$/; If (! Patrn. exec (s)) return false return true} function isip(s)// Through puppy {var Patrn =/[0-9.] {1,20} $/; If (! patrn . exec))return false return true }