Wu is the eldest son. When the Qing court entered the customs, Wu Sangui made great contributions to the Qing court by mistake. In order to woo and appease, the Qing court will adopt a marriage strategy and marry the 14 th daughter of the Crown Prince to him. Wu Yingqi has few records about him. There is no exact record of who he married and whether he was a member of the royal family.
However, this little-known princess in clean room in history was angry with Jin Yong. In Jin Yong's novel The Duke Of Mount Deer, Huang Taiji's daughter was arranged by Jin Yong to Shunzhi, so Kangxi's aunt became her sister. But her in-laws status has not changed, and she is still the eldest son of traitor Wu Sangui and the wife of the day king.
In the novel, Princess Channing, Kangxi's sister, married Wu after Kangxi succeeded to the throne. On the surface, she is Kangxi's sister, but in fact, she is Mao Dongzhu's daughter and has nothing to do with the Qing royal family. Later, Wei Xiaobao sent her to Yunnan to get married. As a result, the story of adultery spread all the way to Xiangyang. Finally eloped with Wei Xiaobao.
Historically, he married Wu as early as the tenth year of Shunzhi. This year, Kangxi was not born. Her marriage was a means for the Empress Dowager Xiao Zhuang to win over the Han people at that time, and Wu as Xu stayed in Beijing as a hostage. Didn't go to Yunnan to get married As a political bargaining chip, she was a tragedy from the beginning. Her husband was the eldest son of Wu Sangui, then a soldier. She doesn't need feelings, and she doesn't care about her feelings. This marriage was a tragedy from the beginning.
After Kangxi came to power, the three feudal prisoners expanded their power unscrupulously, and the Qing Dynasty arrogantly took over the power. Therefore, after the opposition between Manchu and Han was temporarily eased, the role of prisoners was insignificant, but their power was too great to be lost, which seriously threatened the rule of the Qing Dynasty. The last rebellion between the two sides, the last captive rebellion in history, began.
Wu Sangui, who occupied Guizhou and Yunnan, marched into the Central Plains in Kunming and captured Guangxi and Sichuan under the banner of anti-Qing and regaining sight. Then Zheng Jing, Shangkexi, Geng and others overwhelmed the Qing soldiers in Fujian, Guangdong and Jiangxi, and the king of Shaanxi was restless. The young Kangxi suppressed and used it to appease everyone except Wu Sangui and concentrate on dealing with Wu Sangui.
In order to set an example, Kangxi immediately executed Wu and his adult son who stayed in Beijing, and then placed them under house arrest. Isolated, unable to get the approval of the Han people, Wu Sangui proclaimed himself in a panic and died. After his death, his grandson Wu Shifan succeeded to the throne and changed his name to Honghua for three years. Wu Shifan, who survived but could not reverse the war, committed suicide when the Qing army invaded Kunming. The San Francisco rebellion was declared peace. Almost everything the Wu Sangui family could find was executed.
At this time, the youngest son under house arrest and Wu's other illegitimate children were executed by the Qing Dynasty. This year, Princess Channing was forty years old. Twenty-four years later, Princess Channing died of illness. 63 years old. As a political bargaining chip, she finally became a victim of politics.