1, heavy villain, far virtuous minister. Whether an emperor is competent or not depends on his employment. There are two schools of ministers in past dynasties, namely, virtuous ministers and treacherous officials. Whether the emperor is ignorant or not depends on his attitude towards these two kinds of people, which is an important criterion. A wise monarch is a relative saint and a distant villain, while a fatuous monarch is the opposite. Ganlong uses small Shenyang and stays away from Liuyong. These people mean that Ganlong is the latter.
2. It wastes people and money. Emperor Qianlong went to Jiangnan many times. In contrast, his grandfather Kangxi Emperor and Ming Emperor Zhu Houzhao were confused. Emperor Kangxi visited incognito and did not disturb the people. Mingwuzong is a bad king because he doesn't disturb the people. So is Ganlong, so he is also a bad king.
3, the contribution to history is good or bad. Kangxi Dictionary written by Emperor Kangxi will not be kept for himself, but will play an important role in history. There is no need to do this when Qianlong was in power. His "Sikuquanshu" is completely ridiculous, meaningless and costly.
4. Closed to the outside world. Emperor Qianlong began to close the country, which was the main reason for the decline of the Qing Dynasty. If this is not a bad king, then there is nothing to say.
5, heavy fire consumption, Daxing corruption. Yongzheng worked hard to hand over the rivers and mountains that could not be cured to Qianlong, and handed over a country full of treasury to Qianlong, but Qianlong spent a lot of money and fire, which led to corruption and people's livelihood.
6, headstrong, overjoyed, engaged in literary prison. Although Kangxi and Yongzheng had literary inquisitions, they were not serious. Ganlong engaged in literary inquisition, which made people panic. Only one or two of his top ten martial arts are his own, and even when he was defeated, he was praised, indicating his great joy.
These six aspects show that Qianlong has made no contribution to history and the world, and has caused people to live in poverty. So it's a bad king. Some people say that he is diligent, but if his diligence leads to people's hardship, it means that he is mentally retarded, otherwise it will not be like this. But the reality is that he is not mentally retarded, which shows that Qianlong is not diligent and indulges corrupt officials.