America is a miracle of the great America.
We all live in America. We all live in America.
United States of America
United States of America
We all live in America. We all live in America.
America is a miracle of the great America.
We all live in America. We all live in America.
United States of America
United States of America
When I dance, I want to be the lead dancer.
When you walk around alone, you won't feel lonely.
Lassteuchin Wenig Kontrollieren makes you less controlled.
I will jump out and tell you what is right.
Let's have a happy circle dance.
Privilege comes first.
Where is Wei's music? Chamber music comes from the White House.
Mickey Mouse in Paris stands in front of Paris.
We all live in America. We all live in America.
America is a miracle of the great America.
We all live in America. We all live in America.
United States of America
United States of America
I know how to use every step.
When you slip, I will protect you.
Whoever doesn't want to dance is finished.
Wei? Nochnich Dasser Tanzenmuss, he doesn't know, he has to jump.
Let's have a happy circle dance.
I'm a reporter from Time Magazine, and I'll show you the way.
Santa Claus looks like America.
Mickey Mouse in Paris stands in front of Paris.
We all live in America. We all live in America.
America is a miracle of the great America.
We all live in America. We all live in America.
United States of America
United States of America
We all live in America. We all live in America.
Coca Cola is great.
We all live in America. We all live in America.
United States of America
United States of America
This is not a love song, this is not a love song.
This is not a love song, this is not a love song.
I don't sing my mother tongue.
No, it's not a love song. No, it's not a love song.
We all live in America. We all live in America.
America is a miracle of the great America.
We all live in America. We all live in America.
United States of America
United States of America
We all live in America. We all live in America.
Coca-Cola, sometimes wars. Coca-Cola wars happen from time to time.
We all live in America. We all live in America.
United States of America
United States of America