Liangzi looked ahead and looked forward to the future. He fought with Wei and the city was broken. Looking for a son in Beijing to be an official in the state of Jin, the official went to Guangzhou to be a secretariat, and his grandfather was very windy, and the officials and the people called it; Zi Chong Tingwei, Lingling Prefecture, Sun Quan and Zeng Sunying are discussing the doctor. Five spread to Tang Guanshuang, which is commonplace. Yuzhou made it, and the son attacked it, with a virtuous voice; The grandson of the Five Dynasties and the Tang Dynasty traveled in the mountains and finally became a magistrate in Shou Chang. If his son is green, he will move to the ancestors of orchids. The genealogy of Zhuge family was compiled by Zhuge Ximeng in the early Southern Song Dynasty, and was compiled by 1947 and * * * 15 times.
The genealogy system completely records the reproduction, migration, environment, achievements and other human history of Zhuge descendants from Zhuge Guiwang, the father of Zhuge, to 1700 years, which is of great historical research value. According to the genealogical order, Zhuge Qing is Zhuge Liang's first 15 grandson. Six young sons were born, except for the youngest son who was born in a mountainous area with overgrown weeds (now Shaoxing). Others have thrived in more than 65,438+00 villages in Shou Chang, Longyou and Lanxi (the farthest descendant is Jinhua Baizhu), which is more than ten kilometers around Yanfeng Mountain in Lanxi City, especially under the influence of Sanzi. At the end of the Song Dynasty, Zhuge Cao Meng, the 25th grandson of Zhuge Liang, moved from Shui Ge in Nantang to Gao Long (now Zhuge Village) and lived there for more than 700 years. In the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the economy here was developed and the culture was splendid, and it gradually became the hub for future generations of Zhuge family. The place name Gao Long was gradually replaced by surname title, and became Zhuge Village in Zhuge Town today. Since the Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties, Zhuge Village has a strong style of study and a large number of talents. Records of Lanxi County in the Qing Dynasty (Guangxu) recorded 16 descendants of Zhuge, among whom 8 people left works on poetry, calligraphy and history. During the Ming and Qing Dynasties, there were five scholars in the village, 1 1 person (including Wu Jinshi and Wu Jinshi 1 person), accounting for 5% and 4.8% of the total number of scholars in Lanxi during the same period respectively. There were 35 tribute students (Bagong, Sui Gong, En Gong and You Gong), accounting for 9.8% of the total number of four types of tribute students in Lanxi during the same period. In the fifty-three years of Qianlong (1788), there were three people in Wushenke and Lanxi, all of whom were from Zhuge Village. In addition, there are 23 county records (those who did not enter the imperial examination as officials) and biographies; 2 1 person receives various gifts (excluding female gifts). Zhuge village has many subjects and talented people, which is inseparable from the traditional emphasis on education in the village. In the imperial examination era, private schools flourished. In the year of Tong Yuan (1909), there were Gao Long primary schools. Qunying National Girls' School was founded in1911; In the early years of the Republic of China, Zhuge Yunsheng, then president of the Zhejiang Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong, led many people to open a private Lanxi Chinese Medicine School in Lanxi County, and became the principal the following year. By 1937, 556 people have graduated, including 159 undergraduates, and students are distributed in Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui, Jiangxi, Fujian, Guangdong and other provinces. College entrance examination in the village will be rewarded with 1 1,000 yuan, and 500 yuan will be rewarded with middle school entrance examination. Due to the strong style of study, the villagers' cultural literacy is high. According to incomplete statistics, professor Zhuge Ji, senior engineer 19 people.