However, on the issue of human rights, the attitude of the United Nations is not completely consistent. Western countries often use human rights as an excuse to impose sanctions on other countries, but emerging countries, such as China, believe that this is a country's internal affairs and cannot interfere. In fact, the human rights issue is just a cover, and the West does not take this issue seriously. Everyone knows that many countries in South America and the Arab world are actually independent regimes, but the United States never thinks there is any problem because they are all American allies.
Of course, there is no doubt that the United Nations takes the human rights issue very seriously. At least morally, the United Nations has played its due role in human rights issues.
The United Nations has many special committees and organizations to protect the rights and interests of women and children, as well as a large number of principled documents, and Thailand is the same.
2. In dealing with the European debt crisis, the United Nations is very cautious, but it is also very active, and has put forward many constructive opinions on the settlement of the European debt crisis. However, in terms of specific solutions, the United Nations has mainly achieved it through the International Monetary Fund. The IMF put forward some principled opinions on the European debt crisis, that is, Europe must reform its financial system before it can mention further assistance to Europe.