Gabrin shark is a fierce man-eating shark, which only moves in the deep sea. It is so fierce that people used to call it "devil shark". It is also a very special kind of shark. When it is trapped in a fishing net and can't get away after several struggles, it will expand through its own body pressure change similar to that of the swim bladder, and finally it will explode into large and small pieces, preferring to be smashed into pieces rather than being captured alive, which is a bit unyielding. So until now, no country in the world has ever caught a complete gabrin shark. People usually see only fragments of devil sharks, with uneven fractures, much like broken bricks or porcelain. Their thick skin has almost no toughness and elasticity, especially the fish skin is as hard as ceramic products. The fragments of the devil shark after the explosion are like a piece of porcelain that we usually break, and the fractures can be accurately spliced together.
No one has ever filmed it completely, and it's only a fragment at most. .