You can also think about it from another angle. If my cousin is a guest, will you scold the guest? Even if you are unhappy, you can bear it. Cousin comes to your house. If your family is strict with him, he may complain to his mother if he is unhappy. Who knows if he will exaggerate and reverse right and wrong when complaining? If it is not serious, he will say it is. His mother will remember. When chatting with other relatives and neighbors, he may complain about your home, and then it will spread widely. Who knows what will happen in the end, the cat will be passed on as a tiger.
Just like you hate a person, when you are dissatisfied with a person, the other person looks at you normally, even if he doesn't look at you, he doesn't pay attention to you, which can be explained as the other person is staring at you and has a poor attitude. Then when you complained to your friend that you were unhappy, he kept staring at you, and your friend thought he shouldn't, so the misunderstanding happened.
And if you think your mother likes your cousin better, it won't work unless you can communicate with your mother to change her mind. It is better to study hard, work hard and earn a lot of money. No one will care what games you want to buy and how you want to play them.
Sometimes you really need to adjust your mentality, such as what if you prefer boys to girls at home? My brother made a mistake. If I had made the same mistake as my brother, I would have been sent to the hospital. To give the simplest example of "washing dishes", my primary school began to wash the dishes of the whole family (including cooking pots). At that age, I liked watching TV (my family didn't watch cartoons and TV plays). I didn't wash the dishes until after the advertisement. Sometimes when the program starts, my parents ask me to wash the dishes. Although I am unhappy, I will walk slowly to wash the dishes, but occasionally I will be attracted by TV halfway and stand still and watch. At this time, they become angry, sometimes.
My brother just started washing dishes himself in junior high school. I don't often help him wash at home (I will occasionally help him wash if I have nothing to do). My mother will help him wash it when I am not at home. I was scolded by my parents many times for letting him do the dishes himself. One day, my mother and I were in the field, and no one washed the dishes. My brother washes the dishes for himself and my father. Father has been praising him, even sending messages to show off in the family group. When I received the news, the whole person was black. You look stupid.
Think about it, if I didn't adjust my mind, wouldn't I always be so angry? I am very angry. Will it change anything? No, I will only be scolded by my parents, and my brother will still be fine. My parents will also tell him: My elder sister is a bad example, so don't be like her.
My brother called me a loser and an asshole. I spoke loudly because I was angry. I replied: "You speak with respect!" "I was the last person to be scolded by my parents. Now I'm calm. I don't want to waste my life worrying about it. Just pretend I didn't hear anything, and I live well myself.