In the Cao Wei camp, Cao Cao was the first person in charge, and two of them were pure silver. Cao Cao chose Shuncai as the top five counselors, but Zhen Chun is not only a counselor, but also a good friend of Cao Cao and an ideal colleague to talk with. When Cao Cao was warmly received by Han Xianzhi, he thought he had found a close friend who could save Han Shi. In Cao Wei's camp, when Cao Cao went out to fight, he basically handed over the home front to Shunqiu, who could clean up the mess for Cao Cao every time. When Cao Cao meets something at the front, if he can't decide, he will even stay up late to ask Yu Xun for advice. In Cao Wei camp, Zhuge Liang's position far exceeded that of Shu Han camp.
Simply follow Cao Cao, but simply regard life as god. Cao Cao openly opposed Wang Weijia's horns. Reason is not king. The prime minister is already a geek. I think Han Xin's heart is contradictory, because Cao Cao's being king made him see Cao Cao's ambition. Some friends may ask, why didn't Han Han go to Liu Bei, the uncle of the Han Dynasty, like Zhuge Liang, and follow Cao Cao instead?
First of all, Cao Cao did not show ambition in his early days. The cooperation between pure Confucianism and Cao Cao is not antagonistic. Cao Cao was at least loyal to the Han Dynasty-Cao Cao participated in the Huang Jian Uprising in his early years and later crusaded against Dong Zhuo with other governors. Shun Cai said to Cao Cao, "Don't call the son of heaven the son of heaven." When welcoming Feng, Cao Cao gave his seat to the emperor, and what the emperor's royal family gave to the Zhao family was returned to the emperor, and the supply was sufficient. Before sending troops or giving orders, we should at least go through the procedures in the Han sacrificial system. Cao Cao in this period was loyal to the Han Dynasty at least in action, so he wanted to assist Cao Cao.
Second, is Liu Bei really "enemies with Bill Han", or just out of self-interest? Liu Bei's slogan against Cao Cao in front of the King of Hanzhong is "Korea is incompatible with the enemy", which is a good banner in this troubled times. However, if Liu Bei was loyal to the Han Dynasty, why didn't the emperor insist? Only the emperor can send troops to attack Cao Guo, and Liu Bei's previous flag is no longer called. So the emperor acceded to the throne? Therefore, from the perspective of Yu Xun, Liu Bei's loyalty to the Han Dynasty is bound to be questioned, and it is naturally impossible for him and Liu Bei to go all the way. In fact, Wuhu has no feeling at all about Zhuge Liang's slogan "Korea is a happy city or an ancient capital". Chun Yu's ancestors began to be an official in the Han Dynasty. He himself made Lian Xiao an official through the police. The world benefited from Huang En, but Zhuge Liang lived in Li Chu, and the salary of the Han Dynasty was the common people. Why did he promote the Han Dynasty? So in Xun's view, Zhuge Liang should have water for Han Zhong. "Han Xingfu is still the ancient capital." For the benefit of Bai Liu Group, this is just a political slogan.
Therefore, it is doubtful whether the entire Ubisoft Group is loyal to South Korea. Chun Yu is too smart to notice. In addition, Cao Cao's strength is stronger than others, which has always been the reason why the strong devour the weak. In other words, Cao Cao had greater hopes for the happiness of the Han Dynasty, so he was expected to return power to Han's son after unifying the happiness of the Han Dynasty. But the desire for power has always occupied Cao Cao's heart. When Cao Cao was king, Shunqiu saw Cao Cao's ambition, which made him see the future he didn't want to face. So after Cao Cao gave pure Confucianism empty food, Xunzi thought that Cao Cao would kill himself. In order to avoid insult, Xunzi committed suicide angrily.