Set the featured categories displayed in the AJAX tab.
Number of featured stories in the tab (keep it small to fit)
Home page left category
Set the category on the left side of your homepage.
Number of categories on the left to get posts from.
Home page right category
Set your home page permission category
Number of categories to get posts from on the right
Set up video
Enable/disable the video section on the sidebar. In addition, if you choose to enable video, please select your video category.
Check the box to enable video on demand.
Select a video category.
Magazine options
Various magazine options and your theme settings.
Number of articles displayed on the home page (per category)
Number of words extracted from featured posts
Number of popular posts to display
The number of recent posts to display.
The number of recent comments to display.
The number of words in the comment excerpt
Number of labels to display
Number of words extracted from homepage posts
Feed burner setting
Settings required for the FeedBurner form to work properly.
Feed burner ID
Modify the topic title
Display the default title name and slogan (text format):
Display the advertising position on the header:
Write down your title image path.
AJAX annotation feature
AJAX annotations are enabled by default. AJAX annotations are very fast, and you don't need to refresh the page. Uncheck the check box below to disable ajax comments and use normal comments.
AJAX annotation
Control thumbnail size
Controls the width/height of featured thumbnail.
Controls the width/height of the home thumbnail.
Thumbnail width: pixels
Thumbnail image height: pixels
Select style sheet
Predefined style sheets can be stored in the /styles/ directory.
Select the main style sheet default (active) default.
Edit active style sheet
You can only modify the dynamic options of the Default.php style sheet.
Main font family
General link color
All categories
Sets the label of the function category displayed in AJAX.
Some unusual story labels (as small as possible)
Home page left category
Install categories on the left side of your home page.
Several types of left-handed stickers
Home page permission category
Install your home page permission category
Several categories get posts on the right.
Set up video
Enable/disable the sidebar of the video section. In addition, if you choose to enable recording, please select your video category.
Check to make real-time video.
Select a video category.
Magazine selection
Selection and theme setting of various magazines.
The number of posts is displayed on the home page (for each category)
Extract the number of words after the function.
Some popular positions show that
Some recent positions show that
Some recent comments show that
The number of words in the comment excerpt
Some labels to display
The number of words is extracted from the homepage posts.
Installation of feed burner
FeedBurner forms need to be set to work properly.
Feed burner number
Modify the topic title
Display the default title name and slogan (text format):
Display the job title on the advertisement:
Write down your title image path.
Annotation function of AJAX
AJAX annotations are enabled by default. AJAX comments are quick and you don't need to refresh the page. Uncheck the check box below to disable Ajax comments and use normal comments.
AJAX annotation
Control thumbnail size
Thumbnail of the feature that controls the width/height.
Controls the width/height of the home thumbnail.
Thumbnail width: pixels
Thumbnail height: pixels
Choose a style
Predetermined style sheets can be stored in the /Styles/ directory.
The selected main style defaults to (uses) the default value.
Edit positive style
You can only use Default.php style to modify dynamic selection.
Main font
General link color