I found that other places came to Aba, Ganzi and Liangshan. People who come to work are worried about these problems, and the first thing that comes to mind is basic security. Electricity, water, roads and communications! I'm from Jinchuan County, a neighbor of daofu county! !
Daofu county is the gateway to Tibet! Multi-ethnic gathering place. I won't say much. I tell you, everything there is true. I have been to daofu county. I got through it as early as when I was helping Tibet. As for surfing the internet, I dare not say. You'll know when you go. Come to Jinchuan county when you are free! Welcome to the hometown of Sydney! !
Why did you run so far? We are ok in Aba Prefecture.
If it is in the countryside, it is mountain spring water. As for the signal, I'm not sure. For example, a mobile phone may have a signal if a mobile base station is not installed. Isn't it gone So this is uncertain. The root state is the same anyway. There must be a signal. But I can't decide what it is for you.