Tactical group songs in Japanese: タックの songs
The pasture is green and everywhere.
Guang るマシーンがぁらわれ
I don't think this is a good idea.
Brave, brave, strong.
タックの と と を ぇて て と と と て て て て と と と て て て て て 12
Hang, hang, hang, hang, hang, hang, hang, hang.
The slope of the five lakes.
Sneak into the bottom of the lake.
Peace, love and harmony.
タッ ク の と と と と と と と と と と と と
Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay.
Underground base.
ひびくサィレン very compatible.
にしたレーザーみが きをかけて.
Hope, dream and talk together.
タックの とにのって
I don't know. I don't know. I don't know.
Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay.
Chinese version
The pasture is divided into two parts.
The shiny racing car appeared,
The flashing signal light changed from green to red.
Courage and strength are slogans,
Crossing the galaxy with TAC's partners,
Cosmic racing,
Shining in the sun.
Go! Go! Tactical Air Command (tactical air command)
Go with your friends!
Please adopt