If you have a mailbox, you can query the server address of the mailbox. To query the email address of the other company, you can only use the method provided by official website or company employees.
What is the exchange server address?
The address of Netease enterprise mailbox exchange server is exchange.qiye.163.com. The complete email address should be filled with email address and user name, the domain name should be left blank, and the client authorization password should be filled in. Port 80 when SSL is not used and port 443 when SSL is used.
How do the receiving server and sending server of e-mail query?
Right-click to receive and send the server address and the settings on the mobile phone and client software. You can log in to the email address on the web page and look it up in the help. Common e-mail sending and receiving servers:
How does outlook view the server address?
Taking outlook20 10 as an example, the specific operation steps of checking the existing account mail server are as follows:
1. Open outlook, and in the file list, select the "Account Settings" option in the information;
2. After selecting the Mail tab in the pop-up interface, you can view all the set mailboxes;
3. Double-click the mailbox to view, and a wizard will pop up to view the addresses of the receiving server and sending server of the mailbox. A mail server is a device used to manage the sending and receiving of e-mail. It is safer and more efficient than the free mailbox on the network, so it has always been a necessary equipment for enterprises and companies.