It is conditional for the repayment company to help you repay, but it is not free to help you repay. When you use your credit card to reach the final repayment date and can't repay in full, you have to pay high interest. At this time, you can find a repayment company to help you repay, but you will owe the repayment company money and pay it back to him according to the agreement between you.
1. Is the repayment company reliable?
Repayment agencies are not very reliable, but there are some reliable companies. Under normal circumstances, the interest of repayment institutions is very high, so there are certain risks. Especially when the borrower borrows too much money and can't pay it back, he will choose to find a repayment company to help him repay, or raise a card with a card, which is incorrect. Some repayment companies will attract the attention of lenders with slogans such as low discount interest rate and installment payment, but their interest rates are not that low, and they are definitely high compared with the bank's interest rates. And it will reveal your personal privacy and safety. It is best not to ask the repayment company for help. If your ID number and credit card password are leaked, the consequences will be unimaginable.
Second, fraud related to credit card repayment.
Because many people are unable to repay their credit card debts, they will choose to find some informal repayment companies to help them repay, which is very risky. Credit card is a new payment method for borrowers, that is, the liar will give the card to the borrower, and the borrower will deposit the money in the card, so the liar will calculate the time with his partner. The loss of the bank card is reported, the borrower can't withdraw the money saved, and the liar also runs away, so this is a very serious consequence. Don't trust others to repay credit cards easily. Although there are many repayment companies now, they are not very reliable. Then, when making a loan, you'd better think clearly about your repayment ability.
To sum up, if you want to borrow money, it's better to go to a regular bank, because the interest rate is relatively low, so you can still borrow money from the bank. The bank will evaluate how much money to give you according to your basic situation, and don't blindly lend on small platforms.
Is it illegal to repay the bank loan?
Legal analysis: not illegal. The essence of credit card repayment is like credit card cashing. Because credit card repayment now belongs to this gray area, laws and regulations do not clearly stipulate that it is illegal. Although credit card repayment has solved the urgent needs of credit card users, it also has certain risks. After the credit card repayment agency repays the loan on its behalf, it requires the customer to repay the loan in cash when swiping the card. Of course, customers with risk-taking ability can still repay in time, but users with poor risk-taking ability should use credit card repayment service carefully to prevent inconvenience to themselves.
Legal basis: Article 193rd of the Criminal Law of People's Republic of China (PRC) is under any of the following circumstances. Whoever borrows a large amount from a bank or other financial institution for the purpose of illegal possession shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than five years or criminal detention, and shall also be fined not less than 20,000 yuan but not more than 200,000 yuan; If the amount is huge or there are other serious circumstances, he shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than five years but not more than ten years, and shall also be fined not less than 50,000 yuan but not more than 500,000 yuan; If the amount is especially huge or there are other especially serious circumstances, he shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than 10 years, fined not less than 50,000 yuan but not more than 500,000 yuan or confiscated property: (1) fabricating false reasons such as introducing funds and projects; (two) the use of false economic contracts; (3) using false documents; (four) the use of false proof of property rights as a guarantee or repeated guarantee beyond the value of collateral; (5) Loans in other ways.
Is it illegal to help others repay their loans?
It should not be illegal to help others repay bank loans, and it should generally be performed by a third party. As long as someone else's bank loan is due, the third party can repay it. As for whether the third party has the right of recourse after repayment, that is another legal relationship.
So much for the introduction of loan repayment.
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