Synopsis: Xia Donghai, an enlightened personality, returned to China with her 7-year-old son Yu Xia after divorce, reunited with her daughter Xia Xue, who grew up in China, and married the head nurse Liu Mei of a big hospital. Liu Mei was divorced and had a son named Liu Xing. The story revolves around a series of interesting things that happened to these five people.
Role introduction
Summer snow
Actors: Andy (Part I and II) and Ning (Part III and IV)
Xia Donghai's eldest daughter. High school students → college students, excellent grades, independent personality and strong self-confidence. Sometimes a little sissy, a little arrogant, will create some troubles for parents. When I first came to my new home, I also planned to give my stepmother Liu Mei a "scare" and create "puppy love" to scare her parents. (The first story) I failed to get into Tsinghua in the college entrance examination and experienced my first big failure in my life. I used to be rebellious, but I finally found myself again. (the third plot)