Salt refers to sea salt, well salt, mineral salt, lake salt and earth salt from different sources. Their main component is sodium chloride, and the state stipulates that the sodium chloride content of well salt and mineral salt shall not be less than 95%.
Salt contains barium salt, chloride, magnesium, lead, arsenic, zinc, sulfate and other impurities. We stipulate that the content of barium should not exceed 20 mg/kg. Too much magnesium and calcium in salt will make the salt bitter, and too high fluorine content will also cause poisoning.
In recent years, many experiments have confirmed that there is a certain relationship between salt intake and the incidence of hypertension. Excessive salt intake in the diet can cause high blood pressure. In China, adults are required to consume 6 grams of salt every day to meet the body's need for sodium.
Scientific and technical uses of salt:
1. Science recently discovered the scientific and technological use of salt, which can increase the storage space of hard disk by 6 times. Scientists from Singapore's national research institutions, the Institute of Science and Technology, the National University of Singapore and the Institute of Data Storage, made this discovery together.
2. The new hard disk manufacturing process can increase the data recording density of the hard disk to 3.3TB/ inch by using simple sodium chloride (salt), which is 6 times of the existing storage density.
3. The data that companies and individuals generate and need to store is increasing day by day, and the existing hard disk manufacturing technology is approaching the limit, so scientists need to explore new solutions.
Now scientists in Singapore let humble salt solve this problem by increasing the storage space on the hard disk. Adding salt in the manufacturing process means that the bit arrangement on the surface of each disc will be more symmetrical and orderly, which will make the surface "plug" more bits.
4. Salt will also increase the clarity of the electron beam used to "imprint" bits. If you don't use salt, you need to try your best to combine these bits very closely, but these bits are likely to eventually become a huge and fuzzy group.
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