1. Drop a few drops of oil on the umbrella buckle, let it stand for a while, then support it vigorously (it may be a little strong at the first time), and just open and close it manually for several times.
2. Go directly to the umbrella repairman for repair, lest you damage the umbrella structure.
3. Check whether the spring and button are stuck.
4. Add a thin piece of copper at the sliding mouth of the round hole, solder it firmly, repair the groove with a file, insert the T-pin into the round hole and put it back.
5. Replace the T-pin with a flat iron file according to the appearance of the original pin. Or use the iron wire with the diameter of 1 mm, refer to the original version, fold and bend it into a T-shaped needle, or it can be replaced. Pay attention to the clamping at the corners. The whole pin should not exceed the groove of 1, otherwise there will be resistance when opening the umbrella. The extra part can be filed with a small file.