Reading Merry's Bike to Tibet, he said: Never run when you meet a dog. The more you run, the more excited the dog will be. You stop the car and face it. If you have a stick, wave it at the dog; If not, pick up the stone and the dog will probably be scared away.
Meili was chased by a Tibetan mastiff while riding the New Tibet Line. Fortunately, the wildness of Tibetan mastiff has worn out, and it is probably old. After chasing its sphere of influence, it will never catch up. If it is a pure wild Tibetan mastiff, it is a disaster to provoke it. When you meet a Tibetan mastiff, you'd better stop and wait for its temper to dissipate.
Merry said wild dogs are even afraid of wolves. Wild dogs look different from domestic dogs, most of which are lazy. Wild dogs are thinner because they have no life, but they are much more fierce.
At this point, Meili ranked the dangers encountered in riding in northern Tibet according to the intensity. As for Tibetan mastiffs, dogs, wolves, wild dogs, bears, and lightning should be divided into varieties. The meek ones are in front of dogs and the fierce ones are behind lightning.
A few years ago, Tibetan mastiffs were very valuable, and Tibetans in Qinghai raised a lot. Later, Tibetan mastiffs became worthless, and Tibetans generally abandoned them. Because Tibetans don't kill animals, there are stray Tibetan mastiffs everywhere, which has become a great threat for Tibetans to ride.
A cyclist riding in jiuzhi county, Qinghai Province, said: He put a long baseball bat in his backpack. Whenever he met a dog, he took out his baseball bat, waved and shouted at the dog, waited for the dog to leave and continued riding.
Some cyclists said that they should get off the bus immediately when they encounter Tibetan mastiffs and ask for help from nearby Tibetans. They must not throw their bicycles and run away, because bicycles can't run away from Tibetan mastiffs.
Somehow, Hu Ming and I rode Gannan last summer vacation, and we didn't meet any big dogs along the way, let alone Tibetan mastiffs. I guess this has something to do with Gannan's development of global tourism. The sign says there is no garbage in Gannan, not to mention stray dogs and Tibetan mastiffs, which affects the Tibetan village experience.
When riding horses in Gannan, Hu Ming and I often wandered around Tibetan villages and sometimes turned the prayer wheel in the village. We only saw cattle and sheep, but not Tibetan mastiffs.
It is said that there are two kinds of wild dogs on the Sichuan-Tibet line, one is abandoned stray dogs and the other is abandoned Tibetan mastiffs. The deeper you go into Tibetan areas, the easier it is to meet Tibetan mastiffs.
This guy is strong and explosive, and people can only run away when they see him. If you have a guy (combat equipment) in your hand, plus self-defense spray, maybe you can contain one.
If you meet a group of Tibetan mastiffs, stay as far away as possible. Riding is not going to road trip. Driving is flesh and blood. Riding is flesh and blood. They caught up. This ride is almost over. Being bitten by a Tibetan mastiff while riding a horse in Tibetan areas often happens. After riding in western Sichuan and Tibet, you must be careful when riding near the village.