To enter the setting, just turn on the switch of the acquisition mode.
Who is the das user of db2?
In Linux and UNIX operating systems, installing and operating DB2UDB usually requires several DB2 users and DB2 user groups for reference:
1, install user account
2.DB2AdministrationServer(DAS) user account.
3. User account of the owner of the 3.DB2UDB instance
4. user account of 4.DB2UDBfenced routine.
By default, the DB2 installation wizard automatically creates these user and group accounts during the installation of the DB2UDB server. You can also specify an existing user account during installation.
Install user account:
You must use the "root" account to install DB2UDB. This is the only account with sufficient privileges to perform the installation.
Db2 cannot connect to the database?
1. Check whether the port number is configured correctly and whether the configuration parameter svcename is consistent with the db2 port number configured in the service file. Windows generally uses 50000, and unix/linux generally uses 60000.
2. Connection error. First, check whether the server ip and port are written correctly.
If the ip is correct, it depends on whether the db2 service port of the server is correct. In addition, you should also pay attention to the following aspects of the server.
Check the configuration of the server as follows:
Verify that the DB2 database exists.
db 2 listdbddirectoryshowdetail
Verify the communication protocol used by the instance and look at the DB2COMM variable.
Check the configuration of the database manager, and check the SVCENAME (especially the tcpip protocol).
Check /etc/services to see if there is a SVCENAME port corresponding to the above, for example:
To confirm whether the server is listening, netstat-an can be used to check whether the port is in listening state.