Shanghai's ID number starts with "3 10", "3 10 1" stands for Shanghai's urban area and "3 102" stands for Shanghai's jurisdiction. 3 10000 is the administrative division of Shanghai, 310/00 is the administrative division of municipal districts, and 3 10200 is the administrative division of counties. The corresponding division of Huangpu District is 31010/and the corresponding administrative division of Chongming County is 3 10230.
When a newborn declares an account, these administrative division numbers also become the top six corresponding to the newborn ID number. In case of administrative division change, when the newborn declares household registration, its ID number will also change accordingly. After the establishment of Xin Jing 'an District, all newborns who declare their household registration in Xin Jing 'an District will have their ID numbers beginning with 3 10 106.
People's Republic of China (PRC) Identity Card Law
The items registered in the resident ID card include: name, gender, nationality, date of birth, permanent residence address, citizen ID number, personal photo, fingerprint information, certificate validity period and issuing authority. Citizenship number is a unique and life-long identity code for every citizen, which is compiled by public security organs according to the national standard of citizenship number. Citizens applying for obtaining, renewing or replacing resident identity cards shall register their fingerprint information.