Port mapping is generally to map the local service port to the port accessible by the external network. For the sake of network security, all ports in the router are closed by default except some identified open ports. You need to open these ports in the route and tell the external network the port address of the service locally.
Routing, there is a port management, such as mapping a computer in a local area network to access an external network, you can map the service port on the computer, fill in the LAN IP address 192. 168.0 * *, and fill in the port 3389. If it is multi-service, you can add other mapping ports, and the IP is still 198.
The range of computer network ports is generally 1-65535.
Well-known ports: from 0 to 1023, such as 80 for HTTP and 2 1 for FTP.
Registration ports: from 1024 to 49 15 1. Such as remote management port 3389.
Dynamic and/or dedicated ports: from 49 152 to 65535.