Function description: search
Inlet parameter: ah = 0ch
Ch = lower 8 bits of cylinder
Cl (bit 7-6) = the upper 2 bits of the cylinder.
Dh = magnetic head
DL = 80h ~ 0ffh: hard disk
Exit parameter: cf = 0-successful operation, ah = 00h, otherwise, ah = status code, see the description in function number 01h.
(14), function 0DH
Function description: hard disk system reset
Inlet parameter: ah = 0dh
DL = 80h ~ 0ffh: hard disk
Exit parameter: cf = 0-successful operation, ah = 00h, otherwise, ah = status code, see the description in function number 01h.
(15), function 0EH
Function description: reading sector buffer
Inlet parameter: ah = 0eh
Es: bx = address of the buffer.
Exit parameter: cf = 0- the operation is successful, otherwise ah = status code, as described in the function number 01h.
(16), function 0FH
Function description: write sector buffer
Inlet parameter: ah = 0fh
Es: bx = address of the buffer.
Exit parameter: cf = 0- the operation is successful, otherwise ah = status code, as described in the function number 01h.
(17), function 10H
Function Description: Read the drive status.
Entrance parameter: ah = 10h.
DL = 80h ~ 0ffh: hard disk
Exit parameter: cf = 0-successful operation, ah = 00h, otherwise, ah = status code, see the description in function number 01h.
(18), function 1 1H
Function Description: Calibrate the driver
Inlet parameter: ah =11h.
DL = 80h ~ 0ffh: hard disk
Exit parameter: cf = 0-successful operation, ah = 00h, otherwise, ah = status code, see the description in function number 01h.
(19), function 12H.
Function description: controller RAM diagnosis
Inlet parameter: ah = 12h.
Exit parameter: cf = 0- the operation is successful, otherwise ah = status code, as described in the function number 01h.
(20), function 13H
Function description: Controller-driven diagnosis
Entrance parameter: ah = 13h.
Exit parameter: cf = 0- the operation is successful, otherwise ah = status code, as described in the function number 01h.
(2 1), function 14H
Function description: internal diagnosis of controller
Entrance parameter: ah = 14h.
Exit parameter: cf = 0- the operation is successful, otherwise ah = status code, as described in the function number 01h.
(22), function 15H
Function description: read disk type
Inlet parameter: ah = 15h.
DL = drive, 00H~7FH: floppy disk; 80H~0FFH: hard disk
Exit parameters: cf = 1- operation failed, ah = status code, see the description in function number 0 1H, otherwise ah = 00h- no driver installed.
= = 0 1H— Floppy drives that do not support line breaks.
= = 02H— Floppy disk drive supporting line change.
= 03h- hard disk, CX: DX = 5 12 byte sector number.
(23), function 16H
Function description: read the changing state of the disk.
Entrance parameter: ah = 16h.
DL = 00h ~ 7fh: floppy disk
Exit parameter: cf = 0- the disk has not changed, ah = 00h, otherwise ah = 06h, as described in function number 01h.
(24), function 17H
Function Description: Set the disk type.
Entrance parameter: ah = 17h.
DL = 00h ~ 7fh: Floppy disk Al = 00h- unused.
= =0 1H—360K is in the 360K drive.
= 02h-360k drives at1.2m..
= 03h- 1.2M in 1.2M drive.
= 720K in 04h-720k drive.
Exit parameter: cf = 0-successful operation, ah = 00h, otherwise, ah = status code, see the description in function number 01h.
(25), function 18H
Function Description: Set the format media type.
Entrance parameter: ah = 18h.
Ch = number of cylinders
Cl = number of sectors per track
DL = 00h ~ 7fh: floppy disk
Exit parameters: cf = 0- successful operation, ah = 00h, es: di = address of media type parameter table, otherwise ah = status code, as described in function number 01h.
(26), function 19H
Function description: Head protection is only effective in PS/2, so it is omitted here.
(27), function 1AH
Function description: Format ESDI drive, which is only valid in PS/2, and is omitted here.
3. Serial port service (int 14h)
00h- Initialize communication port 03h- Read communication port status.
0 1h- output the character 04h to the communication port-expand the initialization communication port.
02H— Read characters from the communication port.
(1), function 00H
Function Description: Initialize the communication port
Inlet parameter: ah = 00h
DX = Initialization communication slogan (0 = com 1, 1 = com2, ...)
Al = initialization parameter, which is described as follows: the number of bits of baud rate parity stop bit word.
765432 10
000 =110x0 = none 0 =1bit 10 = 7 bits.
001=15001= odd1= 2 bits1= 8 bits.
010 = 30011= even number.
0 1 1 = 600
100 = 1200
10 1 = 2400
1 10 = 4800
1 1 1 = 9600
For PS/2, functions 04H and 05H of INT 14H can be used to initialize its communication rate greater than 9600.
Exit parameter: ah = communication port status, and the meaning of each status bit is as follows: bit 7- timeout.
Bit 6— The transfer shift register is empty.
Bit 5— The transfer hold register is empty.
Bit 4- Stop Found Bit 3- Frame Error Found
Bit 2-Parity error found
Bit 1- Out-of-bounds error found.
Bit 0— Ready to accept data.
Al = modem status
Bit 7— Accepts single-wire signal diagnosis.
6th position-ring indicator
Bit 5—Data transmission is ready.
Bit 4- Clear the data, and then send bit 3- Change the signal diagnosis on the receiving line.
2nd Position-Rear Boundary Ring Indicator
Bit1-changes the "data ready" status.
Bit 0- Changes the "Clear-Send" state.
(2) Function 0 1H
Function description: output characters to the communication port.
Inlet parameter: ah = 0 1h
Al = character
DX = Initialization communication slogan (0 = com 1, 1 = com2, ...)
The export parameter: the vALue of al remains unchanged.
Bit 7 = 0 of AH-the operation is successful and the communication port is in the state. Bit 6~0 of AH is its status bit.
(3), function 02H
Function description: read characters from the communication port.
Inlet parameter: ah = 02h.
DX = Initialization communication slogan (0 = com 1, 1 = com2, ...)
Export parameter: al = accepted characters
Bit 7 = 0 of AH-the operation is successful and the communication port is in the state. Bit 6~0 of AH is its status bit.
(4) Function 03H
Function Description: Read the status of communication port.
Inlet parameter: ah = 03h.
DX = Initialization communication slogan (0 = com 1, 1 = com2, ...)
Socket parameters: ah = communication port status, al = modem status, HV herbal penis enhancement pill, see the description in function number 00H.
(5), function 04H
Function description: The expansion of the initialization communication port is only effective in PS/2, and the penis enlargement sticker is omitted here.
4. Miscellaneous system services (INT 15h)
00h- Turn on the 85h-SysReq key of the cartridge drive motor.
0 1h- turn off the motor of the tape player, with a delay of 86 hours.
02h- Reading cassette player 87h- Moving expansion memory block
03H— Write to the tape cartridge 88H— Read the extended memory size.
0FH— Format the ESDI drive to be interrupted periodically for 89 hours—and enter protected mode.
2 1h- read/write self-test (POST) error record 90h- device waiting
4fh- Keyboard Interception 9 1h- Power-on self-test of equipment
80h- device opens C0h- reads system environment.
8 1h- Device shutdown c 1h- Read the address of the extended BIOS data area.
82h- Process Termination C2h- Mouse Graphics
83h- Event Wait C3h- Set watchdog timeout
84h- Reading joystick C4h- Programmable option selection
(1), function 00H
Function description: open cassette tape machine motor
Inlet parameter: ah = 00h
Exit parameter: cf = 0- successful operation, otherwise ah = status (86H, if cassette player is not installed).
(2) Function 0 1H
Function description: Turn off the motor of cassette tape machine.
Inlet parameter: ah = 0 1h
Exit parameter: cf = 0- successful operation, otherwise ah = status (86H, if cassette player is not installed).
(3), function 02H
Function description: reading cassette tape drive
Inlet parameter: ah = 02h.
CX = Number of bytes read in
Es: bx = address of the buffer for storing data.
Exit parameters: cf = 0- successful operation, dx = number of bytes actually read, ES:BX points to the address after the last byte, otherwise, ah = status code, and its value meaning is as follows: 01h.
-CRC error 80h- Illegal command
02h- bit signal confusion 86h- cassette player is not installed.
04h-No data found.
(4) Function 03H
Function description: write cassette tape drive
Inlet parameter: ah = 03h.
CX = Number of bytes to write.
Es: bx = buffer address for storing data.
Exit parameter: cf = 0 —— the operation is successful, CX = 00h, ES:BX points to the address after the last byte, otherwise, AH = status code, and its value meaning is as follows: 80H ——
Illegal command 86h- Tape cartridge is not installed.
(5) Function 0FH
Function description: The formatted ESDI driver is periodically interrupted, which is only valid in PS/2, and is omitted here.
(6), function 2 1H
Function description: The error record of read/write self-check (POST) is only valid in PS/2, and it is omitted here.
(7), function 4FH
Function description: Keyboard interception, which is only valid in PS/2, is omitted here.
(8), function 80H
Function description: turn on the device
Entrance parameter: ah = 80h.
Bx = equipment number
CX = process number
Exit parameter: cf = 0- successful operation, ah = 00h; otherwise, double-earthquake double-ended persistent ring, ah = status code.
(9), function 8 1H
Function description: Turn off the equipment
Entrance parameter: ah = 81h.
Bx = equipment number
CX = process number
Exit parameter: cf = 0- operation succeeded, ah = 00h, otherwise, ah = status code.
(10), function 82H.
Function description: Process termination
Entrance parameter: ah = 81h.
Bx = process number
Exit parameter: cf = 0- operation succeeded, ah = 00h, otherwise, ah = status code.
(1 1), function 83H.
Function Description: Event Waiting
Entry parameter: ah = 83h; if event waiting is required, then: al = 00h.
CX: DX = one thousandth of a second.
Es: bx = semaphore byte address.
Otherwise, the call parameter is al = 01h.
Exit parameter: if called, Al = 00h, the operation is successful -CF = 0, otherwise, CF = 1.
(12), function 84H.
Function description: Reading joystick
Entrance parameter: ah = 84h.
DX = 00h-Read the switch setting.
= 0 1h- read resistor input
Exit parameter: cf = 1h- operation failed, otherwise,
When dx = 00h, oil is fed, and AL = switch setting value (7th ~ 4th bit).
When DX = 0 1 h, AX, BX, CX and DX are the values of A(x), A(y), B(x) and B(y) respectively.
(13), function 85H
Function description: system request (SysReq) key.
Entrance parameter: ah = 85h.
Al = 00h- key pressed
= 0 1h bond release
Exit parameter: cf = 0- operation succeeded, ah = 00h, otherwise, ah = status code.
(14), function 86H.
Function description: delay
Entrance parameter: ah = 86h.
CX: DX = one thousandth of a second.
Exit parameter: cf = 0- successful operation, ah = 00h.
(15), function 87H
Function Description: Move extended memory blocks between normal memory and extended memory.
Entrance parameter: ah = 87h.
CX = Number of words moved
The address of es: si = GDT (global descriptor table) is defined as follows: information stored by offset.
00h-0Fh reserved, now it's 0s.
Line length10h-11h (2cx-1or above)
12h- 14h24-bit source address
15h access permission byte (its value is 93h)
16h- 17h reserved, but now they are all 0.
Segment length18h-19h (2cx-1or above)
1Ah- 1Ch 24-bit target source address
1Dh access right byte (its value is 93h)
1Eh-2Fh reserved, but now they are all 0.
Exit parameter: cf = 0 —— operation is successful, and ah = 00h; otherwise, ah = status code, with the following meanings:
0 1h-RAM parity error
02h-Abnormal Interrupt Error
03h——20 Gate-gated address of Line 20 failed.
(16), function 88H
Function description: read the extended memory size
Entrance parameter: ah = 88h.
Exit parameter: ax = number of bytes of extended memory (in K)
(17), function 89H
Function description: enter the protection mode, play lycra paint for three points, and the CPU enters the protection mode from the real mode.
Inlet parameter: ah = 89h
Bh = number of interrupts for irq0
Bl = the number of interrupts of IRQ 8
Es: si = address of gdt (see function number 87H).
Exit parameters: cf = 1- Operation failed, ah = 0ffh, otherwise ah = 00h, and CS, DS, ES and SS are all user-defined selectors.
(18), function 90H.
Function description: equipment waiting
Entry parameter: ah = 90hal = drive type, and the specific drive type is defined as follows:
= 00h ~ 7fh- Series Reuse Equipment
= 80h ~ 0bfh- reentry equipment
= =0C0H~0FFH—— Waiting for access to equipment, without self-checking function.
00h— Disk
02h— Keyboard
80h network
FDH- floppy disk motor startup 0 1h- floppy disk
03h- pointing device
Fch- hard disk reset
Feh printer
Es: bx = request block address of drive types 80H~0FFH.
Exit parameter: cf = 1- operation failed, otherwise ah = 00h.
(19), function 9 1H
Function description: Power-on self-check of equipment
Inlet parameter: ah = 91h.
Al = 00h ~ 7fh- Series Reuse Equipment
= 80h ~ 0bfh- reentry equipment
Outlet parameter: ah = 00h.
(20), function 0C0H
Function description: reading system environment
Inlet parameter: ah = 0c0h
Exit parameter: es: bx = configuration table address, which is defined as follows: Interpretation of offset meaning.
00h-0 1h table size (bytes)
02h system model
03h system submodel
04hBIOS version number
05h configuration flag, when each bit is 1, is described as follows:
Bit 7—DMA Channel 3 uses
No.6-Related 8259 exists.
Bit 5-Real-time clock is valid.
4th place—Keyboard interception is valid.
3rd—Wait for the external event to be valid.
Bit 2-Extended BIOS data area
Bit 1- microchannel facility
Bit 0— Reserved
06h-09h reserved
(2 1), function C 1H
Function description: reading the address of the extended BIOS data area is only valid in PS/2, which is omitted here.
(22), function C2H
Function description: mouse graphics, which are only valid in PS/2, are omitted here.
(23), function C3H
Function description: Setting watchdog timeout is only valid in PS/2, so it is omitted here.
(24), function C4H
Function description: Programmable option selection, which is only valid in PS/2, is omitted here.
5. Keyboard service (INT 16h)
00H, 10H- Read the character 03h from the keyboard to set the repetition rate.
0 1H, 1 1H- read keyboard status 04h- set keyboard click.
02H, 12H— Read the keyboard mark 05H— Input the characters and their scan codes into the stack.
(1), functions 00H and 10H.
Function description: read characters from the keyboard.
Entry parameter: ah = 00h- reading keyboard.
= = 10H—— Read the extended keyboard and judge whether the extended keyboard is valid according to the contents of cell 0000:0496H.
Exit parameter: ah = keyboard scan code.
Al = ASCII code of the character.
(2) Functions 0 1H and11h.
Function Description: Read keyboard status.
Entry parameters: ah = 0 1h- check the ordinary keyboard.
= 1 1h- Check the extended keyboard.
Export parameters: ZF = 1- No character input, otherwise AH = keyboard scan code, Al = ASCII code.
(3) Functions 02H and 12H
Function description: read keyboard logo
Entry parameter: ah = 02h- the shift symbol of ordinary keyboard.
= =12h-Shift symbol of extended keyboard.
Exit parameter: Al = keyboard symbol (both 02H and 12H are valid). When the value of each bit is 1, its meaning is as follows: bit 7-INS on state bit 3-Alt key is pressed.
Bit 6- Upper case lock status bit 2- Press the CTRL key.
Bit 5-Digital lock on status bit 65438 +0- Press the left shift key.
The 4th position-the 0th position of the scroll lock state-the right shift key is pressed.
Ah = symbol of the extended keyboard (12H is effective), and the meaning of each bit when the value is 1 is as follows:
7-press 7-sysreq key, 3-press right ALT key.
6th bit-capital lock key press 2nd bit-right CTRL key press.
5th bit-press the number lock key 65438th bit +0- press the left ALT key.
4th bit-scroll key pressed the 0th bit-left CTRL key pressed.
(4) Function 03H
Function Description: Set the repetition rate.
For PC/AT and PS/2, the entry parameters are: ah = 03h;; al = 05h。
BH = repetition delay
BL = repetition rate
For pcjr:al = 00h- default loading rate and delay.
= 0 1h- increase initial delay.
= 02h- Repetition frequency is halved.
= =03H—— Increase the delay and halve the repetition frequency.
= =04H—— Turn off the keyboard repetition function.
Export parameters: None
(5), function 04H
Function Description: Set keyboard click.
Entry parameter: ah = 04 Hal = 00h- Turn off the keyboard click function.
= 0 1h- Turn on the keyboard click function.
Export parameters: None
(6), function 05H
Function description: Characters and their scan codes enter the stack.
Inlet parameter: ah = 0.5h
Ch = description code of the character.
Cl = ASCII code of the character.
Export parameters: cf = 1- Operation successful, al = 00h, otherwise, Al = 01h.
6. Parallel port service (int 17h)
00H— Output the characters to the printer.
0 1H— Initialize the printer port.
02H— Read the printer status.
(1), function 00H
Function description: output characters to printer.
Inlet parameter: ah = 00h
Al = output character
DX = printer number (0-LPT 1,1-lpt2,2-lpt3, ...)
Export parameter: ah = printer status. When each bit is 1, the meaning is as follows: bit 7- printer idle bit 3-I/O error.
Bit 6-Printer Response Bit 2-Reserved
5th position-No paper position 1- reserved
4th bit-printer selects 0th bit-printer timed out.
(2) Function 0 1H
Function Description: Initialize the printer port
Inlet parameter: ah = 0 1h
DX = printer number (0-LPT 1,1-lpt2,2-lpt3, ...)
Export parameter: ah = printer status, defined by the following function: 00H.
(3), function 02H
Function Description: Read the printer status.
Inlet parameter: ah = 02h.
DX = printer number (0-LPT 1,1-lpt2,2-lpt3, ...)
Export parameter: ah = printer status, defined by the following function: 00H.
7. Clock service (INT 1AH)
00h- Read the clock tick count 06h- Set the alarm clock.
0 1h- Set the clock tick count 07h- Reset the alarm clock.
02h- reading time 0ah- reading days
03H— Set time 0BH— Set the number of days.
04h- Reading date 80h- Setting sound source information
05H— Set the date
(1), function 00H
Function description: read the clock "tick" count.
Inlet parameter: ah = 00h
Exit parameter: al = 00h- midnight has not passed, otherwise it means midnight has passed.
CX: DX = Clock Tick Count
(2) Function 0 1H
Function description: Set the clock "tick" count.
Inlet parameter: ah = 0 1h
CX: DX = Clock Tick Count
Export parameters: None
(3), function 02H
Function description: reading time
Inlet parameter: ah = 02h.
Exit parameter: ch = hours in BCD code format.
Cl = minutes in BCD code format
Dh = seconds of BCD code format
DL = 00h- standard time, otherwise it is daylight saving time.
Cf = 0- the clock is running, otherwise the clock stops.
(4) Function 03H
Function description: Setting time
Inlet parameter: ah = 03h.
Ch = hours in BCD code format
Cl = minutes in BCD code format
Dh = seconds of BCD code format
DL = 00h- standard time, spider web three-point game installation, otherwise, daylight saving time.
Export parameters: None
(5), function 04H
Function description: reading date
Entrance parameter: ah = 04h.
Derived parameter: ch = century of BCD code format
Cl = year of BCD code format
Dh = month in BCD code format
Dl = day in code format
Cf = 0- the clock is running, otherwise the clock stops.
(6), function 05H
Function description: Setting date
Inlet parameter: ah = 0.5h
Century of ch = BCD code format
Cl = year of BCD code format
Dh = month in BCD code format
Dl = day in code format
Export parameters: None
(7), function 06H
Function description: Set alarm clock
Inlet parameter: ah = 06h.
Ch = hours in BCD code format
Cl = minutes in BCD code format
Dh = seconds of BCD code format
Exit parameter: cf = 0- successful operation, otherwise, the alarm clock has been set or the clock has stopped.
(8), function 07H
Function description: alarm clock reset
Inlet parameter: ah = 07h
Export parameters: None
(9), function 0AH
Function description: read days, only valid in PS/2, and omitted here.
(10), function 0BH
Function description: Set the number of days, which is only valid in PS/2 and is omitted here.
(1 1), function 80H.
Function Description: Set the sound source information.
Entrance parameter: ah = 80h.
Al = sound source
= =00H——8253 programmable timer, channel 2
= 0 1h- cassette input
= 02h-"Audio Input" on I/O channel.
= 03h- sound generation chip
Export parameters: None
8, Direct System Service (direct system service)
Int00h—"0" is a divisor.
Int 01h-one-step interrupt
INT 02H— Unmask interrupt (NMI)
Int 03h- breakpoint interrupt
Int04h arithmetic overflow error
INT 05H— Print screen and boundary are out of bounds.
Int06h illegal instruction error.
Int 07h- Invalid processor extension.
Int08h clock interrupt
Int 09h- Keyboard Input
Int 0bh- communication port (COM2:)
Int 0 ch- communication port (COM 1:)
Int 0eh- Disk Drive Input/Output
INT 1 1H— Read the device configuration.
INT 12H— Read the normal memory size (the return value AX is the memory capacity in k).
Int18h-rom basic
Int 19h- Restart the system.
Int1BH-ctrl+break handler
Int 1ch- user clock service
Int 1dh- Displays the pointer of the parameter table.
Int 1eh- Pointer to the disk drive parameter table.
Int1FH-Pointer to the graphic character pattern table.