There is no need for them to take great risks and risk their heads to search for the essence of the people. However, although it satisfied the inner desires of officials, it brought a huge economic burden to the Song Dynasty court. Song Dynasty officials had more than 65,438+000 days' holiday every year. When they leave their posts, there will be some reserve talents to take their place. Usually these reserve talents have no value at all, but the court still has to spend money to support them and give them generous treatment. This is the main reason for poverty in the Song Dynasty.
Song Taizu and Zhao Kuangyin established a unified regime by force. He is worried that his military commander will follow his example. In order to maintain the survival of the Zhao family, the power of military commanders has been continuously reduced, and the national policy of valuing literature over martial arts has also been formulated. At that time, there was a wind of reading in society. Although this is a good social phenomenon, it is also an extreme phenomenon to overemphasize cultural rule and neglect military rule. Although the internal contradictions of political groups have been solved to some extent, they are powerless in the face of foreign aggression.
You don't have to use the sword in your hand, and you don't have the sword in your hand. These are two different things. In Song Dynasty, the imperial court did not advocate using force to solve contradictions, but as an important part of the national defense force, it must have a strong army to protect the country.