It's almost all here, so give it away quickly.
Interface Ethernet 0 Auto
Interface Ethernet 1 100 is full.
Name If Ethernet 0 external security 0
Name if Ethernet 1 internal security 100
Hostname 26F-PIX
Maximum length of modified protocol dns is 5 12.
Repair protocol ftp 2 1
Revised protocol h323 h225 1720
Revised protocol h323 ras1718-1719.
Revised protocol community litecas+ 1
Snmp server enables traps
Flood control device activated
Pipeline allows icmp any any.
Telnet 0.0.0 inside
Remote login timeout 60
Ssh timeout 5
Console timeout 0
Static (internal and external) TCP1.1.1.80192.168.1.20580Netmask 255.
Static (internal and external) TCP1.1.1.443192.168.1.205 443 Netmask 255
There is no access list 10 1
Access list 10 1 Allow TCP to any host1.1.1eq80Log.
Access list 10 1 Allow TCP to any host1.1.1eq443 log.
Access list 10 1 deny any log of ip.
Access group 10 1
There is no access list 100.
The access list 100 allows any log of ip.
Access Group in Internal Interface 100