Enter the command: netstat -ano lists all ports. In the list, we observe the occupied port, such as 49 157, and find it first.
Check the PID corresponding to the occupied port, enter the command: netstat-aon | findstr "49157", press enter, and write down the last digit, that is, PID, here is 2720.
Continue to enter tasklist | findstr "2720" and press enter to see which process or program occupies port 2720. The result: svchost.exe.
Or we can open the task manager, switch to the process tab, and see who the process corresponding to 2720 is in the PID column. If we can't see the PID column, the following figure will be displayed:
Then we click View-> Select a column, check the box in front of PID (Process Identifier), and click OK.
In this way, you can see the identification of PID column and see who the process corresponding to 2720 is. If not, we can look at the processes of all users shown below. We can see that the image name is svchost.exe and the description is the main process of Windows, which is exactly the same as the above command.
End process: select a process in the task manager and click the "End Process" button, or enter: taskkill/f/t/im Tencentdl.exe in the cmd command window.