Commands for viewing ports on linux:
The first kind:
Lsof-i: port number
The second type:
Netstat-nltp|grep port number
-a: Displays all connection ports and listening ports of this machine.
-n: The form of network IP address, which shows the currently established valid connections and ports.
-r: display routing table information
-s: Display statistics by protocol.
-v: Displays the currently valid connections.
-t: display all TCP protocol connections.
-u: Show all UDP protocol connections.
-i: Displays the status of the auto-configuration port.
-l: Only the service network status with the connection status of monitoring is displayed.
-p: display pid/programname.
Linux, which process calls port 8090?
One method is lsof-i: port number.
Another method is netstat-tunlp|grep port number.