2. Wash the chestnuts slightly, pour them into the rice cooker and add water. Add water until chestnuts are flush or slightly less, so don't worry about evaporation.
Drop a little vegetable oil in a spoonful. Then add five tablespoons of sugar, and you can add more if you like something sweeter. Anyway, only chestnut shells taste sweet.
Stir the chestnuts, press the cooking button, and then start your work. Wait for the cooking button to pop up and keep warm for five minutes, remove the lid and stir the chestnuts so that the sugar at the bottom of the pot sticks to each chestnut. Pour it into the bowl and start eating. I always lick the sugar in the shell first, and then peel it off and eat it. If you don't want to get your hands dirty, don't put oil and sugar.
Clean chestnuts and cut a small mouth with kitchen scissors.
2. Put it into the rice cooker, add water just before the chestnuts are eaten, and then press the cooking button.
3. It will be stuffy for ten minutes after the first jump to keep warm. This time is ripe. If you want to cook a little more, open the lid and shake it, then press the cooking button and jump up again.
1. Wash the millet and cut each one with a knife to make it delicious!
2. Put the millet into the rice cooker, add water until it is immersed, and at the same time add a proper amount of rock sugar, cover the pot and cook. After the rice cooker is boiled, open the lid and stir! Press it again until cooking or cooking continues once!
1. Wash chestnuts first, cut each chestnut horizontally with a knife, and cut the shell.
2. Then put the chestnuts into the rice cooker and add about 10g salt. Water should be completely soaked in chestnuts, and then boiled until the water is almost dry.
3. After the chestnuts are cooked, pour the chestnuts into a sieve and drain the water.
4. Open fire, dry the wok, pour in the cooked chestnuts, add two spoonfuls of salt, about 20 grams. Stir-fry over medium or low heat until the salt and chestnuts are evenly mixed.
5. ok, the pot is out. Delicious!